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21 results found

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

Valuation Office Agency - Government Procurement Card spending 2014-2015

The document below sets out details of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) expenditure with suppliers via Government Procurement Card covering transactions that exceed £500 during 2014-2015. There are...

Valuation Office Agency - Government Procurement Card spending 2015-2016

The document below sets out details of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) expenditure with suppliers via Government Procurement Card covering transactions that exceed £500 during 2015 - 2016.

Valuation Office Agency - monthly spend exceeding £25,000

As part of the Government’s Transparency Agenda, the Valuation Office Agency is publishing a profile of the items it spends its budget on which exceed £25,000 in value.

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

VOA Council Tax - customer details

Reports from Local Authorities (or taxpayer themselves where we have contact). Updated: regularly

VOA Council Tax - customer details

Reports from Local Authorities (or taxpayer themselves where we have contact). Updated: regularly

VOA Non domestic rating - customer details

Customer details from non domestic rating dataets. Updated: annually but varies according to local arrangements

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

VOA Non domestic rating - customer details

Customer details from non domestic rating dataets. Updated: annually but varies according to local arrangements

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

Geospatial Commission Data Catalogue: Valuation Office Agency

Working with the Geospatial Commission, the Geo6 organisations have produced a simplified common data catalogue providing core information on the geospatial datasets that they hold and manage. ...