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10 results found

Tree Preservation Orders

This dataset identifies the Tree Preservation Orders in the Borough of Watford. It contains orders served on individual trees, groups of trees, areas of trees or woodlands. A Tree Preservation...


This layer shows Article4 Zones within the Borough of Watford.

Controlled Parking Zones

This layer shows the different zones of the Controlled Parking Zone within the Borough of Watford.

Air Quality Management Sites (AQMA)

This layer shows Air Quality Management Zones within the Borough of Watford.

Car Parks

This layer shows Car park locations within the Borough of Watford.

Green Belt

This layer shows the Greenbelt around Watford

Nationally Listed Buildings

This layer shows the locally listed buildings in Watford

Brownfield Sites

This layer shows the brownfield sites in Watford

Conservation Areas

This layer shows Conservation areas within the Borough of Watford.

Locally Listed Buildings

This layer shows the locally listed buildings in Watford