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Light Rail and Tram Statistics

Publication presenting statistics on light rail and trams. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Light Rail and Tram Statistics

Road lengths in Great Britain

This publication provides statistics of road lengths in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road lengths in Great Britain

Road traffic estimates in Great Britain

Annual statistics providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic, speeds and congestion. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Free flow vehicle speeds in Great Britain

This publication gives speeds in free flowing road traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Free flow vehicle speeds in Great Britain

Compendium of Key Statistics for the Driver and Vehicle Agency

The statistics reported within this publication includes summary key business volumes and transactions for Drivers, Vehicles, Operators and in the areas of regulation, compliance and Enforcement....

Northern Ireland Compliance Checks

This is a report providing information on Compliance Checks for heavy goods vehicles, buses and taxis, which are carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods...

Summary provisional statistics on breath alcohol screening tests England and Wales

The bulletin provides some provisional analysis based on the results of breath alcohol tests administered by police in 2009 at the roadside using recently introduced new digital breath testing...

Self-reported drink and drug driving: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales

This release presents data on self-reported drink and drug driving, from the Home Office's Crime Survey for England and Wales, in which repsondents are asked whether they have driven under the...

Seafarer Statistics

Annual report presenting estimates of the size and major characteristics of the active UK seagoing labour force. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Sea Passenger Statistics

Annual release presenting an analysis of international and domestic sea-going passenger traffic by route and by UK port. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Sea Passenger Bulletin

Annual bulletin presenting information on UK international and domestic sea passengers. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Sea...

Road Traffic Statistics in Great Britain

Re-baselined road traffic statistics providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Road Traffic Statistics

Annual publication providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road Traffic...

Road Traffic and Congestion in Great Britain

Quarterly bulletin providing statistics on road traffic and congestion in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road...

Road Statistics: Traffic, Speeds and Congestion

Annual bulletin providing a detailed breakdown of statistics related to traffic, speeds and congestion. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Road Length Statistics

This publication gives road lengths in Great Britain. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Road Length Statistics

Road Goods Vehicles Travelling to Mainland Europe (Annual)

Annual statistics on the number of powered vehicles and unaccompanied trailers carried on each route to mainland Europe including Eurostar. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Road Freight Statistics Quarterly

Quarterly publication bringing together statistics on the activity of both UK and non-UK registered heavy goods vehicles. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Road Freight Statistics

Annual publication bringing together statistics on the activity of both UK and non-UK registered heavy goods vehicles and GB-registered vans. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Road Conditions in England

Report giving annual statistics on the conditions of public roads, footways, kerbs and verges in England. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...