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North Hertfordshire District Council Web Maps

North Hertfordshire District Council has interactive web mapping projects that allows viewing of features and their information, searching, selection of layers and printing.

Bradford Council procurement cards

Bradford Council has issued selected officers with procurement cards. Details of the card transactions are published on a quarterly basis. Further information Tenders and Contracts

Libraries Reader Groups

Reader groups that take place in libraries and allowing people to discuss and share views on group selected books. Please note this does not lnclude community run groups.

Local Wildlife Sites

Local Wildlife Sites are identified and selected for their local nature conservation value. They protect threatened species and habitats acting as buffers, stepping stones and corridors between...

Sheffield Local Wildlife Sites

Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) - also known as Sites of Biological Importance (SBI) or Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation (SINC) - are areas which are locally important for the conservation of...

Youth Centres

Details of youth centres run by Calderdale Council. The location of the youth centres can be found on [Calderdale Maps online - Children and family...

Traffic Penalty Charge Notice dashboards

These dashboards provide details of all traffic Penalty Charge Notices issued to vehicles in the London Borough of Barnet since 1 January 2015. Analysis of issued PCNs can be carried out by...

Discretionary licensing

In some areas, landlords who rent out houses or flats must get a licence from the Council to do this. This is called Additional Licensing or Selective Licensing, also known as Discretionary...


Point Feature depicting individual Tree Features under the responsibility of Bristol City Council and managed by Environment & Leisure Services. Each GIS feature represents the geometry record...


GIS polygon dataset identifying wildlife sites within the Brentwood Borough that have been selected by Essex County Council. Local Plan policy restrictions are imposed on their development to...

Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

This dataset shows the Penalty Charge Notices (PCN's) issued in on-street parking areas throughout Lincolnshire. To view our interactive maps, press the "Explore" button and then select the option...

Moving Traffic PCN Dashboard

The Moving Traffic Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Dashboard contains details of all moving traffic PCNs issued in the London Borough of Barnet since 9 February 2016. Analysis of issued PCNs can be...

Parking PCN Dashboard

The Parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Dashboard contains details of all on-street PCNs issued in the London Borough of Barnet since 1 January 2015. Analysis of issued PCNs can be carried out by...

Council Spending 2014-2016

Details of all Council spending exceeding £250 as recommended by the Data Transparency Code To view transactions for a specific date, use the filter section at the top to select "payment date"...

Spending 2014-2016

Details of all Council spending exceeding £250 as recommended by the Data Transparency Code To view transactions for a specific date, use the filter section at the top to select "payment date"...

Spending 2014-2016

Details of all Council spending exceeding £250 as recommended by the Data Transparency Code To view transactions for a specific date, use the filter section at the top to select "payment date"...

Bus Lane PCN Dashboard

The Bus Lane Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Dashboard contains details of all bus lane PCNs issued in the London Borough of Barnet since 29 January 2015. Analysis of issued PCNs can be carried out by...


TPO Reference Number of individual trees, groups and woodland throughout Rugby Borough where a Tree Preservation Order has been applied. The data should not be considered accurate enough to define...

Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4

Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 Progress 8 is a measure of attainment progress made by pupils between Key Stage 2 (age 10-11) and selected subjects at GCSE (age 15-16). ...

HMO Register

List of properties licensed under the Council’s HMO Licensing Scheme as at the beginning of February 2017. This list is updated on a monthly basis. More information on Houses in Multiple Occupancy...