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NI 037 - Awareness of civil protection arrangements in the local area

The impact of local agencies arrangements for communicating/educating citizens regarding civil protection matters, by measuring how informed they feel, by organisations in their local area, about...

NI 186 - Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...

NI 037 - Awareness of civil protection arrangements in the local area

The impact of local agencies arrangements for communicating/educating citizens regarding civil protection matters, by measuring how informed they feel, by organisations in their local area, about...

Noise Action Planning Important Areas Round 2 England

Noise Action Plans are required by the Environmental Noise Directive. The 3 Noise Action Plans provide a framework for the local management of the Important Areas. Attribution statement: © Crown...

Noise Action Planning Important Areas Round 3 England

Noise Action Plans are required by the Environmental Noise Directive. The 3 Noise Action Plans provide a framework for the local management of the Important Areas. Attribution statement: © Crown...

Numerical calculations of compacting flow past spheres and circular cylinders (NERC grant NE/I023929/1)

This data contains the results of numerical simulations described in the following two papers: Alisic L., Rhebergen S., Rudge J.F., Katz R.F., Wells G.N. Torsion of a cylinder of partially molten...

Numerical modelling of fracture intensity increase due to interacting blast waves in three-dimensional granitic rocks

This work presents a detailed three-dimensional finite element based model for wave propagation, combined with a postprocessing procedure to determine the fracture intensity caused by blasting. The...

UK Offshore Marine Protected Areas

This resource contains boundary, site and feature information for designated UK Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Offshore MPAs include Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), Highly Protected...

MAGIC Marine Protected Area Features

Please note: This data is displayed publicly for viewing purposes only on MAGIC, but is not available for download. This dataset contains a collation of marine habitat and species biotope records...

Offshore Reef areas: Blackstone Banks

Blackstone Banks. Investigation of offshore rocky reef areas. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. Blackstone Banks and Stanton Banks Habitat Mapping. Report to JNCC.

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'.

NHS Workforce - Nurses - by area and level

NHS Hospital and Community Health Service (HSCS) monthly workforce statistics: qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff in England, by area and level.

Participation of Local Areas (POLAR) data

These data show the proportion of young people in an area who go on to enter higher education aged 18 or 19.

Area Names and Codes Controlled List

Please note: This is an archive dataset which has been superceded by: Environment Agency and Natural England Public Facing Area Names. This is the legacy controlled list of 16 operational area...

Administrative Boundaries - Public Face Areas

This dataset has now been Retired as it has been replaced by "Administrative Boundaries - Environment Agency and Natural England Public Face Areas". This is for Approval for Access product AfA015...

UK Offshore Marine Protected Areas

The following spreadsheet holds information on all offshore Marine Protected Areas in the UK (beyond 12 nautical miles from baseline). These include Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), Nature...

Common Database on Designated Areas in the UK

A spatial dataset of the UK's National designations submitted to the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) in March 2016. This is the most up to data copy of the dataset and previous...

UK OSPAR Marine Protected Areas

This spreadsheet contains information on all UK OSPAR Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that have been nominated to the OSPAR Commission. The OSPAR Commission is promoting the establishment of a...

UK OSPAR Marine Protected Areas

This shapefile contains information on all UK OSPAR MPAs that have been nominated to the OSPAR Commission. OSPAR MPAs in the UK form all or part of an existing UK marine protected area, up to mean...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (Somerset)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations. The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 25m square...