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2,367 results found

Health and Provision of Unpaid Care

Data showing the health and provision of unpaid care in Plymouth.

Specialist sexual health clinics

All practices with specialist sexual health GP's

Thurrock Doctors & Health Centres

This dataset shows the locations of Doctors and Health Centres in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Chelmsford Public Health Funerals

Chelmsford Public Health Funerals 1st December 2011 - present

Public health funeral data

Information on funerals organised by Leeds City Council due to circumstances such as no traceable next of kin, next of kin unable or prepared to organise or no-one able/available to fund the...

Health and Safety - Violence and Aggression

Records of all verbal abuse and/or physical violence reported are held by the corporate health and safety team. Any employee who perceives they have been verbally abused or been exposed to violence...

Public Health data by ward

A range of Public Health data for Calderdale and each of the Calderdale wards, including data on population, ethnicity, deprivation, housing, families, life expectancy, accidents, physical and...

Health and Safety - Accident Information

Records of all accidents to employees or members of the public involving time off work or medical treatment are reported by phone, by a Calderdale manager, to the corporate health and safety team....

Environmental Health Service Requests

Numbers of top level service requests received by the Environmental Health Service . An explanation of each category is also provided.

Public Health Funeral details

Assisted Funerals conducted during a rolling year to date.  The information shown is all that the Council can provide with regard to Public Health or Assisted Funerals.   The Treasury Solicitor’s...

Public Health Funeral costs

Funerals supplied by Colchester Borough Council under The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Peterborough Public Health Funerals

A quarterly list of public health funerals including those individuals that were known to Adult Social Care.

Public Health Funeral details

Assisted Funerals conducted during a rolling year to date.  The information shown is all that the Council can provide with regard to Public Health or Assisted Funerals.   The Treasury Solicitor’s...

Public Health Funeral costs

Funerals supplied by Colchester Borough Council under The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Health Inequalities Strategy Indicators

Health inequalities are the differences in health and wellbeing, risk or outcomes, between different groups of people. Tackling health inequalities requires knowledge about the factors affecting...

Health Inequalities - Appendix 2

Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality Camden Demographics of Shielded Population by location age ethnicity deprivation gender GPs and reason for shielding.

Health Inequalities - Appendix 1

Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality Further analyses of death registration data and 2011 census data .

GLA Health Survey Infographics

Over 660 [Talk London]( users took part in the GLA's online health survey during March 2014. This explored people’s experiences of health services, views on health...

Public Health Management Agreement

Each of the Council’s in-house Delivery Units has a Management Agreement that sets out the actions for delivering the relevant sections of the Commissioning Plans, along with key indicators to help...

Public health funerals data

We have a duty to dispose of a deceased body under the provisions of the National Assistance and Public Health (Control of Disease) Acts 1948, if the person who died has no assets or if there are...