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144 results found

Mines And Quarries Database - BritPits.

List of mines and quarries in the UK including information about operational status, products, lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, pit and operator addresses, minerals planning authority....

Index To Deep Mine Data

High level index to the contents of the boxes of Primary Geological Data resulting from deep underground coal exploration and exploitation in Great Britain donated by the Coal Authority in July...

The BGS collection of mine plans.

The dataset comprises plans of various types relating to mining activity, including abandonment plans, gathered since the 1800s. Most were collected as part of the BGS mapping programme and the...

Building types with heating and cooling demand over coal mine workings

This dataset has been produced upon collaboration with the Ordnance Survey (OS), in order to produce a geospatial layer to aid in identifying areas which might see the most impact from a mine water...

Inventory of Closed Mining Waste Facilities

The European Mining Waste Directive (2006/21/EC) requires Member States to create an inventory of closed or abandoned mine waste facilities causing serious environmental impacts, and to make...

Depth of Abandoned Mine Workings - Scotland

Water in abandoned mine workings is a potential source of geothermal energy. It can used in space and water heating. The thermal energy that can be obtained tends to increase with depth. Alongside...

Past Shallow Coal Mine Workings

Past shallow coal mine workings are derived from the Coal Authority’s records of underground coal mine workings. This dataset has been created by extracting all those underground workings, or parts...

Mine Entry Potential Zone of Influence

A Mine Entry with Potential Zone of Influence is the area of the ground that might be affected if subsidence of the mine entry was to occur. Each mine entry has a zone of influence buffer around...

Probable Shallow Coal Mine Workings

Probable shallow coal mine workings contain locations and estimated extents of probable shallow underground workings for which no recorded plan exists, but where it is likely that workable coal at...

Survey on mine-water geothermal in Poland

The study in three coal mining regions: Lower Silesia, Upper Silesia and Lublin (each N=500) was conducted using Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI). The questionnaire includes the block of...

Scanned images of deep mine data

Scanned images of primary Geological Data resulting from deep underground coal exploration and exploitation. Collection of data includes reports, interpretations and records of research in British...

Coal Development High Risk Area

The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more recorded coal mining related features at surface or shallow depth. These features pose a...

LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

Mine Water Geothermal Resource Atlas for Scotland

A Web Mapping Feature layer identifying optimal locations across Scotland for mine water geothermal development. Mine water geothermal energy describes the low-carbon practice of using water held...

NSTA Coal Mine Methane Vents (BNG)


Prime geological data - deep mine coal

Prime Geological Data resulting from deep underground coal exploration and exploitation produced by the British Coal Board and/or its precursors. The collection dates back to the 18th century and...

Coal Authority Microfiche Statutory Mine Plans

BGS holds a disaster recovery copy of the microfiche of the statutory mine abandonment plans for the Coal Authority. This collection is an incomplete copy of the mine plans deposited with the Coal...

Arup Review Of Mining Instability In Great Britain

The data shows the extent of mining within Great Britain it was captured in 1990 by OVE ARUP on behalf of the Department of Environment as a series of paper maps and no updates have been carried...

Mining hazard (not including coal) in Great Britain

The dataset indicates the potential for hazard in Great Britain as a result of mineral extraction. It excludes areas of Coal mining as these are covered by the Coal Authority. It is based on a...


Mine CounterMeasures2 (Portsmouth Squadron) Officers contact List for issue to visitors or Press as required.