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% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

% of staff who do not believe action will be taken following this survey

Consumer Insights Tracker - July 2023 - present

The Consumer Insights Tracker is an online monthly tracking survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and administered by YouGov. It monitors the behaviour and attitudes of adult...

Estimation of Health Impacts of Particulate Pollution in London

Data relating to populations and population weighted annual mean PM2.5 (ug/m3) by Ward and estimated attributable deaths (rounded to whole numbers) each year based on 2008 rates at concentration...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2015-16

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2013-14

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2014-15

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2019-20

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2018-19

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2017-18

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Outpatient first and follow-up appointments 2016-17

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Open Datasets register

This resource shows all Open datasets available on Lincolnshire Open Data. All the Open datasets are listed with some brief key details about them (such as update schedule and licensing). Open...

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission (CCGOIS 3.15)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of emergency readmissions with a primary diagnosis or an external cause code of an alcohol-specific condition within 30 days of a previous discharge...

People who have a follow-up assessment between 4 and 8 months after initial admission for stroke (CCGOIS 3.8)

The percentage of people who have a follow-up assessment between 4 and 8 months after initial admission for stroke. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

Follow up Survey of School Leavers from Scottish Schools

Sustained destinations of leavers from Scottish Schools Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable deterioration following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11c)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably deteriorate after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals An issue has been...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable improvement following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11b)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably improve after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable recovery following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11a)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably recover after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were offered rehabilitation following discharge from acute or community hospital (NHSOF 3.6.ii)

The proportion of older people (aged 65 and over), expressed as a percentage, who are offered reablement services when they leave hospital. Purpose This indicator measures the benefit to...

All-cause mortality – 12 months following a first emergency admission to hospital for heart failure in people aged 16 and over (CCGOIS 1.21)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of deaths that occur in the 12 months following a person’s first emergency admission episode with a primary diagnosis of heart failure in a three year...

Organogram of Staff Roles & Salaries

Organogram (organisation chart) showing all staff roles. Names and salaries are also listed for the Senior Civil Servants. Organogram data is released by all central government departments and...