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Graffiti - All Incidents (all land types)

This dataset contains __all__ graffiti incidents (on all land types) in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from November 2019 onwards. Please note...

Hospital Waiting Times

Provider based hospital waiting times for 1st outpatient appointments Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: National, Primary Care Trust (PCT),...

Incidence of lung cancer(all)

Cancer registrations for lung cancer per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

Incidence of colorectal cancer (all)

Cancer registrations for colorectal cancer per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

Incidence of breast cancer(all)

Cancer registrations for Breast cancer per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

Incidence of prostate cancer(all)

Cancer registrations for prostate cancer per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

NI 178b - Bus services running on time - Average waiting time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

NI 178a - Bus services running on time - Proportion running on time

Proportion running on time and excess waiting times for bus services. Punctuality is generally measured according to the guidance provided by the Department for Transport on the CLIP website.

National Archives - Trade Union Facility Time Data

The data provides information about the time employees take off for official trade union activities, and the costs involved. This data is also available on

Fire statistics: Response times

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Fire Incidents Response Times

Data on response times to incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Service in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Referral to Treatment Times(RTTs)

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for patients whose 18 week clock stopped during the month with an inpatient/day case admission. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of...

ITIS journey time data

Integrated Transport Information Service (ITIS) congestion data - Data purchased from ITIS containing GPS-derived journey times of vehicles. Data collection ceased.

Mortality rate from all accidents

Deaths from accidents, classified by underlying cause of death. Age-specific death rates per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) -...

The mean and median carriageway impact duration times and number of incidents by impact duration on all motorways

The Highways Agency Command and Control database is an incident management system which captures details such as the duration of a carriageway impact. A Carriageway Impact results from any...

Real-time and Near-real-time river level data

This dataset covers monitoring data that is only updated on our systems on a daily update cycle. This is usually increased during times of flooding etc. Readings are transferred via telemetry to...

Real Time Information (RTI) - Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Administrative dataset on Real Time PAYE submissions. Updated: daily. Data coverage: 2012-13, 2013-14

Crown Prosecution Service Facility Time Report 2017-2018

The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 requires the CPS to collate and publish, on an annual basis, a range of data on the amount and cost of facility time within...

National Archives Trade Union Facility Time 2018-19

The data provides information about the time National Archives employees take off for official trade union activities, and the costs involved.

Units granted planning permission on all sites, England

This Barbour provided dataset contains quarterly permissions for units granted planning permission in England for the given time period. Data are given as a rolling annual average. Barbour...