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125 results found

Anti-Fungal Treatments in Food Animals

Development and validation of methods for screening and confirmatory analyses of residues of anti-fungal treatments in food animals

NI 017 -Perceptions of anti-social behaviour

Percentage of respondents with a high level of perceived anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour order statistics, England and Wales

Annual release of statistics relating to anti-social behaviour orders. Breakdowns provided are age, sex and criminal justice system (CJS) area. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official...

Perceptions of Anti-Social behaviour

Percentage of respondents in an area with a high level of perceived anti-social behaviour Source: Local Government User Satisfaction Survey (LGUSS) administered by the Audit Commission on behalf...

Community trigger indicator for anti-social behaviour

A dataset providing a breakdown of the key performance indicators for anti-social behaviour (ASB) case reviews. Community triggers are special cases where repeated anti-social behaviour...

Hepatitis C virus and human T-lymphotropic virus - HCV AND HTLV NATIONAL REGISTERS

The National Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Register contains information on HCV infections with known dates of acquisition & additional facilities

Annual Anti-social Behaviour Order (ASBO) Statistics

Detailed breakdown of anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) data by Criminal Justice Area Source agency: Home Office Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

DataMart Respiratory Viruses Laboratory Surveillance System

DataMart Respiratory Viruses Laboratory Surveillance System

DCLG Data4NR: Concern about anti-social behaviour

Proportion of people who consider various forms of anti-social behaviour as defined by target, a 'very' or 'fairly big' problem. Data4NR reference.

DCLG Places Survey: NI 017 Perceptions of anti-social behaviour

Percentage of respondents with a high level of perceived anti-social behaviour. DCLG places survey NB This and all other National Indicators were discontinued in 2010.

Significant Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Viruses in Healthcare Workers

Significant Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Viruses in Healthcare Workers

HMIC review of anti-social behaviour in England and Wales

In Spring 2010 and 2012, HMIC carried out a review of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in England and Wales. This included an Ipsos MORI survey in which ASB victims were asked about their experiences...

Thermal Inactivation Model for Hepatitis E Virus

This model was generated as part of FSA-funded research project FS301062. The model includes a collection of thermal stability data on Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the published literature and...

Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland

The PSNI produces statistics on the number of anti-social behaviour incidents recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and a comparable data...

Plaque reduction neutralisation test results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus

This dataset contains plaque reduction neutralisation test (PRNT) results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus....

Laboratory Test Figures (Statutory Exotic Viruses) Cattle - 2011

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2011 paid for by statutory exotic viruses surveillance and research contracts. The dataset...

Laboratory Test Figures (Statutory Exotic Viruses) Cattle - 2013

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2013 paid for by statutory exotic viruses surveillance and research contracts. The dataset...

Laboratory Test Figures (Statutory Exotic Viruses) Avian - 2007

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on avian samples in 2007 paid for by statutory exotic viruses surveillance and research contracts. The dataset...

Laboratory Test Figures (Statutory Exotic Viruses) Cattle - 2006

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2006 paid for by statutory exotic viruses surveillance and research contracts. The dataset...

Laboratory Test Figures (Statutory Exotic Viruses) Cattle - 2010

This dataset provides a list of the tests undertaken by APHA testing laboratories on cattle samples in 2010 paid for by statutory exotic viruses surveillance and research contracts. The dataset...