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Items over £25k 2017-18

Monthly spend over £25k for 2017-18

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - development likely to attract birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with Manchester Airport where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

City Airport Manchester Safeguarding Zone - developments attracting birds

Dataset showing an area of the city (known as a safeguarding zone) where the city council should consult with City Airport Manchester where development is likely to attract birds, such as proposals...

UK Strategic Export Control Lists: The Consolidated List of Strategic Military and Dual-Use Items

The listing of strategic controlled goods which might require an export licence. The list incorporates the UK Military List and the EU Dual-Use List.

New item under CEFAS Historic surveys

Station and biological data collected during research surveys carried out by Cefas (formerly Directorate of Fisheries) in seas around the UK, mostly in the North Sea, since 1902. The survey hauls...

NHS SWE items of spend over £25,000

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS South West Essex, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Visit England Visitor Attraction Assurance Scheme member database

A database of members of the VisitEngland Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Scheme, with details of attraction name, address and assessment

ONS VML Business Spend on Capital Items (BSCI)

Survey covering total capital expenditure of businesses.

List of domain names

The UK Government manages the domain name registry in order to signify digital services that are part of the administration of the state, so that they can be identified as authoritative and...

FCO index of Geographical Names

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) merged with the International Development Office on 1 September 2020. This list of approved British English-language names and descriptive terms for...

Post Inventory

The amount of work on hand for defined items. Updated: monthly.

Post Inventory

The amount of work on hand for defined work items. Updated: monthly.

Reasonable Adjustments

Contains details of equipment provided to employees for non standard adjustments to work stations such as voice recognition software, monitors and non IT items such as orthopaedic chairs and names...

NHS South East Essex items of spend over £25,000

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by NHS South East Essex, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Research & Development spatial data tool

BEIS and Nesta have co-developed a research and development (R&D) spatial data tool to allow users to access, visualise and compare indicators that show the scale of R&D systems at a...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in Treasury Solicitor’s Department

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in Treasury Solicitor’s Department since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in Crown Prosecution Service

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in Crown Prosecution Service since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above £1m;...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Geographical names index

These are the British English-language names and descriptive terms for sovereign countries, UK Crown Dependencies and UK Overseas Territories, as well as their citizens. ‘Sovereign’ means that they...

Classifications Database (CAFE)

Database of classifications of Class 1 dangerous goods, i.e. explosives and fireworks, which identifies the hazards posed by explosive substances and articles as packaged for transport. The...

Spend over £25,000.00

It should be noted that items below £25,000 have been listed where they appear on an invoice with a total value over £25,000. All values are presented inclusive of non-recoverable VAT. Where VAT...