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Lower Marsh CAZ Frontage Boundary

shows boundary of lower marsh shopping area boundary that is within the Central Activities Zone

Emergency admissions for children with lower respiratory tract infections (CCGOIS 3.4)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for children aged 18 years and under with lower respiratory tract infections per 100,000 registered patients, 95%...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

Network contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average rainfall and 5 meter...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

Network contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average rainfall and 5 meter...

Lower Bann Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Marsh CAZ Primary Shopping Area

shows boundary of lower marsh primary shopping area that is within the Central Activities Zone

Camden Lower Super Area Output Boundary

This dataset contains the LSOA (Lower Super Output Area) boundaries in the London Borough of Camden. These are created by the ONS (Office of National Statistics).

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Lower Derwent Valley LTMNB36

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Lower Derwent Valley which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Emergency admissions for children with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) (NHSOF 3.2)

This indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital of children with selected types of lower respiratory tract infections (bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia and...

Lower Lough Erne Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Lough Erne Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Lough Erne Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Lough Erne Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...

Lower Lough Erne Network Contribution

About this layerNetwork contribution area scores were exported from the SciMAP application outputs within SAGA GIS. The scores were based on inputs from CEH Land cover 2007, Met Office average...