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1,321 results found

Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Stocks of cereals held on farms, England and Wales

Presents data on the quantities of cereals held in stores in England and Wales. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Organic Farming Scheme Agreements (England)

Organic Farming Scheme agreements holding boundaries data. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic...

Organic Farming Scheme Options (England)

Organic Farming Scheme Options points. The aim of the OFS is to encourage the expansion of organic production. Under the scheme, farmers moving from conventional to organic farming methods receive...

Provisional Farm Income News Release (Northern Ireland)

Provisional Farm incomes figures. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Provisional Farm...

Tadpole Farm Boundary

The Tadpole Farm allocation boundary as within the Submisison Local Plan 2013. This boundary is not adopted.

Environment and Countryside Management: Results from the Farm Business Survey

These results cover which environmental activities are being carried out and the reasons for doing so. They also cover the area of various habitats found on farms. Source agency: Environment,...

Farm Census

Information is compiled from the Agricultural and Horticultural Census. This is an annual survey, conducted by the Statistics and Analytical Services Branch, DAERA. Information is on Number of...

Norfolk County Farms Buildings

This layer identifies the County Councils buildings on the County Farms Estate and these buildings comprise any dwellings and all the agricultural buildings other than tenants buildings. Further...

Norfolk County Farms Estate

This layer identifies all the land owned and managed by the County Council forming the Councils County Farms Estate. Further details about the Estate can be found on the Council’s website as a link...

Animal Health Planning in England: Results from the Farm Business Survey

In 2006, the animal health and welfare module was added to the Farm Business Survey (FBS) asking some general questions on animal health planning, and more detailed questions by livestock type, on...

Farm Diversification (now forms part of the Structure of the agricultural industry dataset)

This release shows the final estimates of farm diversification from the 2009/10 Farm Business Survey which covers the 2009 harvest. Diversification is the use of farm resources for a...

Analysis of MIlk Selling Arrangements on Dairy Farms in England 2008/09

This release lists some key findings from the report of a recent survey of milk selling arrangements by a sample of dairy farms in the Farm Business Survey in England. Source agency:...

MMO1051 Offshore Shellfish Mussel Farm Lease Sites

Data outputs from MMO 1051 Fishing and Aquaculture trends project. The aim of the project was to provide an analysis of fishing and aquaculture trends in England using currently available evidence....

Farm Incomes in Scotland

Note: The release date for this publication has not been changed. Due to an administrative error on the Hub it was originally listed with the release date of a similarly titled publication. This...

Farm Income Estimates

Aggregate Total Income From Farming (TIFF) estimates including values for Inputs, Outputs, Grants and Subsidies. Average Farm Business Income estimates by farm type. Source agency: Scottish...

Ripley Farm Database

This is a historical record of every sheep that has been to the Animal Services Unit Ripley site.

Sustainable Farming Incentive Moorland Standard Survey Planning Grid

The grid layer will support farmers who have entered land in the Introductory level of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) Moorland Standard. The standard requires that agreement holders carry...

Performance Dashboard Farm environment plans submitted (pre-requisite to Higher Level Stewardship)

This dashboard shows information about how the Farm environment plans submitted (pre-requisite to Higher Level Stewardship) service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The...

Total Income From Farming

Total Income from Farming in Scotland, covering in detail the costs and revenues of all aspects of Scottish farming. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...