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31 results found

Ship Security Plans

Plans to prevent illegal acts against a ship, its crew and passengers and to minimise damage to the marine environment and to port facilities

Pollution Incidents Summary

PLEASE NOTE: We have removed this dataset as ownership of the data within it no longer sits with a single organisation. The Environment Agency is currently working on a revised version of this...

Annual Forest Loss at 15m resolution in the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ), Madagascar, 2006-2014

The dataset delineates annual forest loss in the CAZ digitized from annual 15 metre resolution LANDSAT imagery. This dataset creates a baseline for possible long-term, near real-time monitoring of...

Quarantine Database

The Quarantine Database formerly used to issue quarantine licences. Now it's only used to access historical records and statistics on the number of licences issued and other information such as...

Smoke Control Areas - Scotland

Under Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993, many parts of Scotland are declared Smoke Control Areas by the relevant local authority. If you live in a smoke control area it is an offence to produce...

Christmas Tree Recycling Point

Our Christmas tree recycling points will be open from 2 January to 14 January 2024. Please note: The City of London are unable to collect Christmas trees on Hampstead Heath this year - please find...

Conceptions - Under 18s

This dataset details estimated conception counts and rates per 1000 girls aged 15- 17. The data are estimated from the ONS Births Registrations database and official notifications of legally...

Smoke Control Zone Northumberland

These are parts of the UK which have been designated by the Council to reduce smoke emissions from domestic fires. The designation makes it illegal to burn any un-authorised fuels and that an...

Bus Lane and Bus Gate Enforcement

This page contains datasets about Cambridgeshire County Council's enforcement of bus lanes and bus gates in Cambridge City.  The datasets contain figures showing the number of Penalty Charge...

Balance sheet analysis and farming performance

This release presents the main results from an analysis of the profitability and resilience of farms in England using data from the Farm Business Survey. Six measures have been examined;...

Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices

The data set contains details of all environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued in the London Borough of Barnet since Feb 2019 - date under the Kingdom Services...