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Winter Fuel Payments made to individuals living in EEA countries

Statistics on Winter Fuel Payments made to customers (who qualified before leaving the UK) living in European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland by country. Data from 2002/3 to 2009/2010 will...

Individual Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by a local planning authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the: cutting down, uprooting, topping,...

TPOs Individual Open Data

Tree preservation orders on individual trees

Tree Preservations Orders - Individual

Location of individual protected trees in Milton Keynes

% of Rights of Individuals responded to 'In Time'

% of Rights of Individuals responded to 'In Time'

Cancer survival by cancer network

This presents cancer survival by cancer network in England for patients diagnosed during the period 1997-2010 and followed up to 2011 Source agency: Office for National...

Cancer Survival for Children in England

This statistical bulletin presents a five-year relative survival index for all cancers combined for children (aged 0-14 years) diagnosed with cancer in England Source agency: Office for National...

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts database (S17)

The dataset holds interest paid net or gross of tax on individual's bank and building society accounts. Updated: annually.

Five-year survival from all cancers (NHSOF 1.4.ii)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with any type of cancer in a year who are still alive five years after diagnosis. Purpose This indicator attempts to capture the success of the NHS in...

One-year survival from all cancers (NHSOF 1.4.i)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with any type of cancer in a year who are still alive one year after diagnosis. Purpose This indicator attempts to capture the success of the NHS in...

Five-year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer (NHSOF 1.4.iv)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with breast, lung or colorectal cancer in a year who are still alive five years after diagnosis. ONS still publish survival percentages for individual...

One-year survival from breast, lung and colorectal cancer (NHSOF 1.4.iii)

A measure of the number of adults diagnosed with breast, lung or colorectal cancer in a year who are still alive one year after diagnosis. ONS still publish survival percentages for individual...

Tree Preservation Order individual trees

Trees included within Tree Preservation Orders - not group TPOs.

HambletonDC Tree Preservation Orders - Individual

Points representing individual and, groups of, individual trees included in Preservation Orders. Captured as applications are received, after a site visit. Locations inferred from drawings taken on...

Tree Preservation Orders - Individual Trees

Point dataset showing the location of tree preservation orders in the Cotswold District. Since posting this data changes may have been made so please contact the Planning Department prior to...

Number of Rights of Individuals requests received

Number of Rights of Individuals requests received

Individual declaration dates of England's National Nature Reserves (NNR)

Spreadsheet listing the individual declarations and their dates for National Nature Reserves (NNRs) in England with areas (in acres or hectares depending on the era when declaration took place)...

Individual Scale Point results for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

From 2011, the data for this publication will be published in March as an additional table to the Statistical First Release titled Foundation Stage Profile Results in England, published in October...

Cancer survival in England by Health Authority

This presents the latest one- and five-year age-standardised relative survival rates for cancers of the bladder, breast (in women), cervix, colon, lung, oesophagus, prostate and stomach with data...