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178 results found

Estimates of Station Usage

Figures are based on ticket sales data recorded in rail industry systems. These are estimates and users should read the accompanying report in order to understand the limitations of the dataset. 

Gas usage

Wilton Park - Units of gas used

Carbon Usage

Wilton Park - Units of carbon used for staff travel

Electricity Usage

Wilton Park - Units of electricity used

DH Richmond House Real Time Energy Usage

This datset shows the realtime energy and CO2 usage (minus 1 day) for Richmond House, the HQ building for Department of Health.

Skype for Business Conferencing Usage

**A data set showing the use of Skype for Business for conferencing at Leeds City Council.** **Total AV conferences** \- This shows the number of separate AV conferences which have actually...

Pool E-bike usage

Data set showing the use of Leeds City Council pool electric bikes by location.

Cambridgeshire Railway Usage Estimates

A selection of csv files breaking down rail usage estimates across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) produces yearly (April-March) estimates of the total number of...

Newcastle libraries computer usage

Monthly computer usage figures by branch library from April 2008 to present. Additional information Given as a percentage of the total available time computers can be booked. BIPC is the...

Pesticide Usage Survey

Report on pesticide usage practices on arable crops in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Allerdale National Land Usage Database

National Land Usage Database (NLUD) as defined under Allerdale Planning Policy and notified

Cambridgeshire County Council website usage

Website usage statistics for CCC corporate website

Social media usage by local government

A list of UK local authorities which are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Also includes those with RSS feeds, web development blogs and open data.

Cambridgeshire County Council Website Usage

Usage information from the Cambridgeshire County Council website;

Newcastle Libraries online resources usage

Monthly usage figures for online resources including databases and e-book platforms when available, for January 2005 to present. Additional information Blank means no data available In 2020, all...

Libraries usage data 2013-14

Library user profiles library catchment area profiles LBB libraries service usage data

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Mobile Usage

Data pertaining to use of mobile phone and broadband devices by employees and internet usage by employees.

Pesticide Usage Statistics in the UK

Statistics on the use of pesticides on a range crops grown in the United Kingdom The Food and Environment Research Agency is no longer a government agency. On 1st April 2015 Defra sold a...

Energy Certificates

Data to record energy usage and Display Energy Certificates. Updated: as required.

Energy Certificates

Data to record energy usage and Display Energy Certificates. Updated: as required.