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101 results found

Waste and Recycling Customer Satisfaction

Waste and Recycling Customer Satisfaction survey 2018/19 customer calls conducted quarterly

Customer Satisfaction - Council Tax

Customer satisfaction survey results for the Council Tax call centre. Surveys are conducted every quarter and surveying runs for 1 month

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction

Council Tax Customer Satisfaction survey 2018/19 - customer calls conducted quarterly

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

  Our Customer Service Centre runs regular surveys to measure overall satisfaction with the service received. Each survey operates for a month and aims to record the views of as many customers as...

Waste and Recycling Customer Satisfaction

Waste and Recycling Customer Satisfaction survey 2018/19 customer calls conducted quarterly

NI 182 Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and...

NI 160 Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord. Source: Communities and Local Government...

NI 182 - Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and licensing:

NI 160 - Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord.

Check for Flooding User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up Scores

User Satisfaction and Digital Take Up scores for the Check for Flooding service.

User Satisfaction survey

A questionnaire is completed by users of our service (Bankrupts; Directors; Insolvency Practitioners; Redundancy Payments claimants). Dataset has no attributable personal data, only views of the...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Life Satisfaction' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

NI 199 - Children and young people's satisfaction with parks and play areas

Children and young people's satisfaction with parks and play areas in their locality "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data for all 200 datasets are archived...

NI 138 - Satisfaction of people over 65 with both home and neighbourhood

A measure of satisfaction of how older people live their lives at the local level, reflecting the effectiveness of policies on housing supply, adaptation and support; and those relating to the...

Cambridgeshire County Council website satisfaction

Cambridgeshire County Council website customer satisfaction between 2009 - 2012.

Customer Satisfaction - Colchester Borough Homes

Customer satisfaction survey results for the Colchester Borough Homes call centre

Colchester Borough Homes customer satisfaction

Colchester Borough Homes customer satisfaction survey results 2018/19

Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC

Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC. Customers are offered the chance to leave feedback after they contact the council's Customer Centre over the phone or after...

Modelled subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in the range 0-6 for 'Life Satisfaction' by LSOA in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey, April 2011 - March 2012 The Department for Communities...

Local authority tenant satisfaction in 2008: Results from local authority STATUS surveys

This paper gives results from STATUS surveys including local authority tenants’ satisfaction with landlord services (National Indicator 160). Source agency: Communities and Local...