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145 results found

Winchester Landscape Character Areas

Winchester Landscape Character Assessment - carried out by WCC. Derived from paper map sources geophysical, landcover and OS 25000 and fieldwork. Please seek permission from Winchester City...

Ecosystems Interactions - Scaling issues

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. The project seeks to define key interactions between ecological systems which need to be taken into account for decision making...

Stevenage Borough Local Plan

The Stevenage Borough Local Plan 2011-2031 was adopted on 22 May 2019. The Local Plan replaces the District Plan (Second Review). The Stevenage Borough Local Plan sets out how Stevenage will...

Heritage at Risk Polygons 2021-2023 GIS data

Heritage at Risk provides an understanding of the overall state of England’s heritage assets. Every year Historic England updates the Heritage at Risk Register. The end result is a dynamic picture...

Building on success: increasing higher education retention in London

**The GLA commissioned the Social Market Foundation to look at the reasons behind the non-continuation (drop-out) rate of undergraduates studying at London’s higher education institutions.** This...

Wiltshire Council - Settlement Boundaries

Settlement or development boundaries seek to set clear limits to towns and villages. They are designed to define the existing settlement and to identify those areas of land where development may be...

Childcare demand projections

GLA Economics presents London childcare demand projections.  These are demand for formal childcare for 0-14 year olds, and sub-age groups.  The definition of formal childcare used is broad, and...

EA Pension Fund Investment Holdings

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and being open and transparent, we publish the Fund’s holdings. We update the data every quarter. For operational reasons, we publish this at...

CRB teaching applications: Coventry and Warwickshire

FOI response: CRB checks on people seeking work in the teaching profession, in the Coventry and Warwickshire areas.

NI 117 - 16 to 18 year olds who are Not in Education, Training or Employment (NEET)

The percentage of 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF): Pupil Annual School Level Census...

Stockton on Tees Borough Council Article Fours

An Article Four Direction is made by a local planning authority in the United Kingdom and confirmed by the government. It serves to restrict permitted development rights, which means that a lot of...

Newcastle City Council fraud data

The council seeks firstly to prevent fraud and corruption but will take all action necessary to identify fraud if suspected and to pursue the recovery of losses and the suitable punishment of those...

Procurement Plan and Pipeline (2022-2024)

Leicester City Council's procurement plan seeks to capture contracts that are anticipated to be procured within the 2022/2024 period.  The plan includes replacement of existing contracts, service...

COVID-19: socio-economic risk factors briefing

Coronavirus affects some members of the population more than others. Emerging evidence suggests that older people, men, people with health conditions such as respiratory and pulmonary conditions,...

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest

Areas of Significant Archaeological Interest are non-statutory designations that seek to identify distinctive areas of the historic landscape in Northern Ireland. The preservation of an...

London Debt Advice Clients

This dataset combines information on debt advice clients from three agencies working in London. This dataset is built from information recorded by debt advice agencies on their client databases....

The Potential New Provider Tracker

A working list of all institutions which are usually schools that approach the National College for Teaching and Leadership to seek accreditation as providers of initial teacher training. It...

Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England), Quarterly Datasets

Since 2009, care homes and hospitals have had to seek authorisation from their Local Authority if they need to deprive an individual who lacks capacity of their liberty as part of their care and/or...

NYMNPA Development Policy 23 - New Development and Transport

The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the protected linear routes which are the disused railway lines in the National Park. The policy seeks to protect linear routes...

BRMAs showing LHA rates

This data sets out information on the size and shape of England's Broad Rental Market Areas (BRMAs) and the rates of Local Housing Allowance (LHA) set for that area. The notes below explain more...