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854 results found

National Art Library catalogue

Over 750,000 catalogue records for the holdings of the National Art Library at the V&A.

Performance Indicators : Art and Culture

Performance Indicators related to Art and Culture

MOD Art Collection Database

A database containing the records and audit trail of all MOD Art Collection items. The database is in a database format on a standalone and currently in a spreadsheet format on DII.

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

NI 011 Engagement in the arts

The arts have a range of local impacts, including promoting health, education and well-being. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated the links between participation in cultural activity...

Adults and the arts in Northern Ireland

This annual series of publications provides information on adults and their engagement with the arts. Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics...

Art and Entertainment Venues in York

Art and Entertainment Venues in York.

Arts@Leeds funded organisation monitoring data

The Arts Development Team runs a funding scheme and a programme of cultural events throughout the year. Our aim is to: * **CREATE** opportunities for local people to take part in the cultural...

NI 011 - Engagement in the arts

The arts have a range of local impacts, including promoting health, education and well-being. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated the links between participation in cultural activity...

Organogram for Arts Council England 2013

A list of most Senior posts in the Arts Council including title and salary range. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts where the jobholder is not disclosed are listed as "N/D".

Unsuccessful applicant data for all Arts Council funding streams

Information relating to unsuccessful applicant data for all funding steams available from Arts Council England

State Pension

State Pension claimants Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super...

Engagement in Culture, Arts and Leisure by Adults in Northern Ireland

These annual headline figures provide information on adults aged 16 years and over and sport participation; engagement in the arts; use of the public library service; visits to musums; visits to...

State funded schools

Spatial dataset of state funded schools in Durham, including academies. Please see for more information.

Experience of the Arts in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 - Arts Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

State-funded schools statistics

Official statistics on the inspections and outcomes of state-funded schools and academies in England.

Engagement in Culture, Arts and Leisure by Adults in Northern Ireland

These annual headline figures provide information on adults aged 16 years and over and sport participation; engagement in the arts; use of the public library service; visits to musums; visits to...

Arts Council England Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Junior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011

Arts Council England Senior Staff Data Set as at 31 March 2011