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Family Intervention Projects

Monitoring and Evaluation of Family Intervention Projects Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Family Resources Survey

The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the UK (or Great Britain before 2002/03). Source agency: Work and Pensions Designation:...

Family and Children Study

The Families and Children Study is a longitudinal study collecting information about families with dependent children in Great Britain. The data includes respondent and children files, for each year.

NI 118 Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Supporting People

Supporting People Quarterly Client Records and Outcomes Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Income Support

Income Support (IS) is a means tested benefit payable for people under Pension Credit age, working less than 16 hours per week, have no or little income and no more than £16000 in savings. The data...

Income Support (IS)

Income Support (IS) Claimants - people aged over 16 working less than 16 a week and having less money coming in than the law says they need to live...

Family food open data

The National Food Survey was the predecessor of the Living Costs and Food Survey, and ran in some form from 1940 to 2000. Survey data from 1974 to 2000 is being provided as Open Data, in the form...

Impact indicator: troubled families

Percentage of Troubled Families local authorities have identified and are committed to working with #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is the number of all troubled families that...

Immigration Statistics: family data

This record contains data on: entrance clearance visas and extension of stay relating to families.

Evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme

Set of files containing individual level data on outcomes associated with the Troubled Families Programme (2012 to 2015). The data is part of a national evaluation of the Troubled Families...

Out of work families with children

Out of work families with children who receive the same level of support as provided by CTC, but where it is paid as child allowances in Income Support or income-based Jobseeker/s Allowance...

Children in low income families

The number of children who lived in households where a parent or guardian claims an out-of-work...

Friends and Family Test

The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

Key data on family return process

Information on the family cases that have been put through the new family returns process.

ESF Provision for Families with Multiple Problems

The first release of statistics on the DWP European Social Fund Provision for Families with Multiple Problems. Comprises attachments, progress measures and sustained job outcomes. Source agency:...

Evaluation of the new family returns process

The report evaluates the conformity to process, welfare and safeguarding, preparation and barriers to return of families.

Family Resources Survey Main Dataset

The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the United Kingdom. This survey is used for analysing the distribution of incomes,...