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Average weekly social rent of new PRP general needs lettings, 2012/2013, England, District By Number of Bedrooms

This data set shows the average weekly social rent (£), excluding service charge), of new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings, 2012/13 Information about the tenancy, the...

PRP lettings to one person households , 2012/2013, England, District

The data set shows the number of new Private Registered Providers (PRP) general needs lettings to one person households in 2012/13, also included is the total number of lettings across all sizes...

Land & Property Assets - Rochdale Borough Council

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest. Council housing stock properties are not part of the land and property...

Private rent determinations for Housing Benefit (HB)

The purpose of the dataset is to provide an indication of the geographical distribution of private tenants' applications for Housing Benefit, to show the size, type and age of dwellings concerned,...

Housing Revenue Account Social Housing Stock

The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal sector level. The data is based on the valuations by Norfolk Property Services...

Social Housing Assets

The Council is required to publish this information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 set out by the Department of Local Government (DCLG), now the Ministry of Housing, Communities...

Social Housing Assets

The Council is required to publish this information under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 set out by the Department of Local Government (DCLG), now the Ministry of Housing, Communities...

Social housing transparency data

Local Authorities are required to publish details of all value of social housing that is held in their Housing Revenue Account by the 2014 Transparency Act. The data is published in accordance...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

Local Authority Land 2022

Details of all local authority land and building assets.  These include all service and office properties, any properties under PFI contracts, all other properties we own or use, garages (unless...

Land and property assets

Dataset of land and property assets, where the Council has either has an ownership or occupational interest. Council housing stock properties are not part of the land and property...

Social housing asset data

Under the Local Government Transparency Code we are required to publish details on the value of social housing assets within our Housing Revenue Account. Information to be published using the...

Social housing asset value

Leeds City Council provides data on the value of its social housing assets in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code. Please note ----------- * As the value may differ between...

Bristol City Council Fraud

Notes to Fraud Data 2018/19 1. The information provided relates to fraud against the authority, it does not include cases of fraudulent activity by traders, as investigated by Trading...

Norfolk County Farms Estate

This layer identifies all the land owned and managed by the County Council forming the Councils County Farms Estate. Further details about the Estate can be found on the Council’s website as a link...

Leeds City Council property lets

This data is Leeds City Council's social housing property lets through its Choice Based Lettings scheme. Column descriptions ------------------- * **CBL ID:** Choice based lettings ID * **AP...

Broad Rental Market Areas

Broad Rental Market Area (or BRMA) boundaries are used to determine Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates. Empowered by the Welfare Reform Act (2007), the Rent Officer has defined the current...

Local authority land

Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, local authorities must publish details of all land and building assets including: • All service and office properties occupied or controlled by...

Public Land and Building Assets

Land and building assets as defined in the Code include: all service and office properties occupied or controlled by local authorities, both freehold and leasehold, in this case Colchester...