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Non-domestic energy efficieny pilot dataset (food retail)

Survey data of energy use in food retail

Web site registrations

The names, interests and contact details of organisations and individuals who have registered on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) web sites.

Allerdale Policy Retail Frontage

Allerdale Planning Policy on Retail Frontage as defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...

Liverpool Main Retail Core

Liverpool Main Reatil Core, Shopping Area.

CIL Retail Charging Zones

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath & North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and...

Retail and Town Centre 2014

Planning completion and commitments for retail and town centre uses 01/04/2013-31/03/2014

HambletonDC Primary Retail Areas

Polygons representing the extent of the identified primary retail areas within the five market towns of Hambleton. Released to comply with the INSPIRE directive For personal non commercial use...

Camden Retail Frontages Survey

Access point to mapped data. The retail frontage survey is not a complete survey of all shopping frontages in the borough. The survey area covers the Local Development Framework Town Centres,...

LDP Retail Centres

Retail Centres dataset included in the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Development Plan.

Customer Satisfaction - National Archives UK Government Web Archive

Customer Satisfaction figures for the National Archives UK Government Web Archives from December 2017

Extent of retail development taking place within town centres in England

Data on retail development within town centres. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: PPS6 monitoring

Regional Transport Statistics Web Tables

Regional Transport Statistics was discontinued as a single publication in 2009 and replaced by a series of Web Tables which are updated during the year as data becomes available. The first tranche...

Article 4 Direction - Retail to Residential

Article 4 Direction Retail to Residential in Hackney - An Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted developments rights including changes...

Retail and Town Centre 2014 for Cambridgeshire

Planning completion and commitments for retail and town centre uses 01/04/2013-31/03/2014

SNPA - ELDP retail areas

Dataset showing the areas of retail under Development Policy 24 - Retail of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP), the limit of each area is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed...

Scottish Retail Sales Index

An indicator of Economic Growth in the Scottish Retail sector. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Scottish Retail Sales Index

Retail Sales (detailed level)

Statistical Bulletin production & National Accounts analysis

North Norfolk District Council LDF Retail

This dataset contains the sites designated under the Local Development Framework as primary retail areas

Traffic Web Cameras

Spatial dataset of Durham County Council managed traffic web camera locations. Please see for more information.

FCA: The retail intermediary market 2021

Firms that provide advice on, or arrange, mortgages, insurance policies or retail investment products for consumers must send the FCA information about their activities on the Retail Mediation...