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Projections of urban growth, by county: 1991-2016

Projections of urban growth by county Source: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Publisher: Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Geographies:...

Anti-social Behaviour Family Intervention Projects

Outcomes, service effectiveness and capacity of family intervention projects to support vulnerable and chaotic families from April 09 to March 11. Future editions of this publication can be found...

Major Projects Portfolio data for UK government

The Major Projects Authority (MPA) publishes data as part of the government’s transparency policy. In addition to MPA annual reports, this includes an aggregated Government Major Project Portfolio...

Major Projects Portfolio data for Cabinet Office

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Thameslink Rolling Stock Project Data Site

Web-based. Holds information, in lieu of a physical data room, for accredited bidders.

Government major projects portfolio data for DfT

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first annual report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Historical (1950-2005) and projected (2006-2099) hydrological model (HMF-WA) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across West Africa driven by CMIP5 projected climate data

This dataset comprises seven ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0.1° × 0.1° grid (approximate grid of 10 km × 10 km) across West...

Historical (1950-2014) and projected (2015-2100) hydrological model (HMF-WA) estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows across West Africa driven by CMIP6 projected climate data

This dataset comprises seven ensembles of hydrological model estimates of monthly mean and annual maximum river flows (m3s-1) on a 0.1 × 0.1 deg grid (approximate grid of 10 km × 10 km) across West...

Archive & Access Digitisation project

A huge, Heritage Lottery funded project to digitise a tranche of the million objects the Tate holds relating to art and artists from 1900 onwards

Nature Recovery Projects (England)

This dataset defines the boundaries of twelve Nature Recovery Projects forming a key part of the 25 Year Environment Plan’s commitment to deliver the Nature Recovery Network (NRN). The twelve...

Survey of campylobacter contamination on chickens - Raw data for trial protocol

UK-wide survey of campylobacter contamination on fresh chickens

Survey of campylobacter contamination on chickens

UK-wide raw data survey of campylobacter contamination on fresh chickens

Government Major Projects Portfolio Senior Responsible Owners

The government is committed to publishing lists of the SROs for projects on the GMPP. To address this commitment the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) publishes lists of the SROs...

Government Major Projects data for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first Annual Report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for the Home Office

Publication of Home Office Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) data as part of the Major Projects Authority (MPA) annual report. This includes the MPA RAG rating, departmental narrative, key project...

Population projections

Population projections for North Yorkshire including age and sex breakdowns

Population Projections

Use this interactive tool to compare the projected resident populations of selected areas and how they may change over time. Data are available for regions, counties and Local Authorities in...

Household Projections

Calderdale Household Projections 2018 to 2043 published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 29 June 2020. ONS update this data set every two years. For more information on national...

Population projection

ONS Population projection by Age and Gender

Population Projections

Population Projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official projections of the future resident population in Lincolnshire. Population projections show estimates...