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484 results found

Rother District Council Public Toilets

A list of public toilets within Rother District Council, including location, facilities, opening times and access. Data is available via the link below, to access the CSV file for this data...

Rother District Council Count of Senior Salaries

The number of employees whose remuneration in 2014/15 was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000. Data is available via the link below, to access the CSV file for this data please click on the...

Rother District Council - Parking

Information regarding the parking facilities available within Rother District Council, that are owned and/or maintained and managed by the council. Data is available via the link below, to access...

Rother District Council Senior Salaries

The number of senior employees whose remuneration in 2014/15 was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000, including details of remuneration, job title and responsibilities. Data is available via the...


OPEN SPACE, PARK, RECREATION GROUND, CEMETERY, PLAY PARK, PLAYGROUND, PUBLIC OPEN SPACE, PROMENARD GARDENS Sites are freehold owned by Rother District Council and are made up of formal parks and...

Index of Place Names in Great Britain (July 2016)

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Local Authority District to Country (December 2015) Lookup in the UK

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Local Authority District to Public Health England Centres to Public Health England Regions (July 2015) Lookup in England

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Wards (December 1998) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 218 KB)

OA to LAD to LSOA to MSOA to LEP (non overlapping parts) (December 2014) Lookup in England (Partial Coverage)

Click on the title for more details and to download the file.  (File Size - 400 KB)

Urban Audit Core Cities to Urban Audit Greater Cities to Urban Audit Functional Urban Areas to Local Authority Districts (December 2011) Lookup in Great Britain

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Intermediate Zones (December 2001) Names and Codes in Scotland

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 36KB)

Census Area Statistics (CAS) Wards (January 2003) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 262 KB)

Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies (December 2015) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom

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Data Zones (December 2011) Names and Codes in Scotland

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 234 KB)

Ward to Registration District to Local Authority District (December 2014) Lookup in England and Wales

Click on the file for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 589 KB)

Local Administrative Units - Level 2 (December 2015) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 248 KB)

Lower Layer Super Output Area (2001) to Major Towns and Cities (December 2015) Lookup in England and Wales

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Local Administrative Units - Level 1 (December 2013) Names and Codes in the United Kingdom

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 10 KB)

Local Resilience Forums (August 2016) Names and Codes in England

Click on the title for more information and to download the file.  (File Size - 1 KB)