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545 results found

Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend in BIS

Lists items of spend that have been allowed in BIS since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above £1m; Advertising and marketing; consultancy; Property...

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Serious Fraud Office

Five key areas of spend have been affected with freezes on: -All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement...

Extensive vegetation and soil surveys from multiple sites in boreal forests of subarctic Canada, 2013-2014

The dataset contains a stratified survey of ecological and soil states at sites where fine scale patterns of covariation between vegetation and edaphic characteristics were recorded. Key data...

2014, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Manhattan Extension, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_225

An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig, debris clearance, environmental site survey acquired in October 2014. The block numbers traversed were 15/22, 15/23.

BIS research paper no.48

Spreadsheet of data accompanying documents entitled: 'Reporting on employment and earnings using experimental matched data' [URN 11/1037], 'Annex 1: Individualised learner record / labour force...

2016, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Craster Extension, Debris Clearance Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_493

An oil and gas industry debris clearance site survey acquired under licence P2062 in September 2016. The block numbers traversed were 206/11, 205/15.

Pupil attainment at GCE/VCE A/AS: results

Average GCE/VCE A/AS and key skills point scores, Advanced Extension Awards (AEA) and post-16 vocational qualification achievement of 16-18 year old candidates by gender in each Local Education...

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration (Wykeham 2007)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

Marine Management Organisation Land with Sea Views Web Feature Service (WFS)

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Marine Management Organisation Land with Sea Views Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Marine Management Organisation Land with Sea Views

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration of Sitka spruce (Dartmoor 2005)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

Agriculture in the United Kingdom

This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK, fulfilling the requirement that Ministers publish an annual report on matters relating to price support for agricultural...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in Defra

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in Defra since the announcement (24 May 2010) of five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend above £1m; Advertising &...

Species point records from 1993 MNCR Brancaster to Blakeney (Norfolk) littoral survey

Littoral survey along the north Norfolk coast from Blakeney to Brancaster using normal MNCR methods. All parts of the barrier beach system were covered from the seaward facing sandy shores to the...

Habitat point records from 1993 MNCR Brancaster to Blakeney (Norfolk) littoral survey

Littoral survey along the north Norfolk coast from Blakeney to Brancaster using normal MNCR methods. All parts of the barrier beach system were covered from the seaward facing sandy shores to the...

Species point records from 1987 Loughborough University Poll Loisgann & Cull Lochain survey

Brief description of these 2 lochans and their marine life by snorkelling. Recommends the area as rich and diverse and that current salmon farming applications should be opposed, and...

Habitat point records from 1987 Loughborough University Poll Loisgann & Cull Lochain survey

Brief description of these 2 lochans and their marine life by snorkelling. Recommends the area as rich and diverse and that current salmon farming applications should be opposed, and...

DESNZ: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

DSIT: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...