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11,948 results found

Experience of the Arts in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 - Arts Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Thurrock Out of School Care

This dataset shows the locations of Out of School Care providers in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Noise nuisance - out of hours

This dataset shows all instances of noise nuisance reports between 18:00 - 03:30. All records contained in the data files contain postcodes provided by the reporting person and exclude anonymous...

Out Of Work Benefit Claims

Percentage of working age population claiming out of work benefits in Wigan, shown in LSOA and Places boundaries 

FOI & EIR - Out of time

FOI & EIR - Out of time

FOI & EIR - % Out of time

FOI & EIR - % Out of time

London's sectors - More Detailed Jobs

**More Detailed Jobs** This dataset provides estimates of employee jobs in London down to 4-digit Standard Industry Classification level, from 1998 to 2022. The latest release was in **July 2024...

NI 084 Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage. Source:...

NI 084 - Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage.

Attitudes to Housing: Findings from Ipsos MORI Public Affairs Monitor Omnibus Survey (England)

Public attitudes towards housing issues. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Child and Working Tax Credit (CTC) and (WTC) and children in out of work household geographical analysis for Local Authorities

This data provides bi-annual analysis of the number of children and families receiving Child Tax Credit (CTC) or working Tax Credit (WTC) and whether they are in out of work households. This data...

OS Open Greenspace

Find the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas, allotments and more with OS Open Greenspace. A valuable dataset to stimulate creative thinking and innovation to...

Stop and search research findings 2013

Research findings for the 2013 stop and search review produced by YouGov on behalf of HMIC.

Architects Register Search - Find an Architect

Official UK Register of Architects - Search for architects in the UK. When someone uses the title "architect", it means that members of the public can check with us that they are dealing with a...

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services (NHSOF 4a.ii)

This indicator measures the weighted percentage of people who report their overall experience of GP out-of-hours services as ‘fairly good’ or ‘very good’. Purpose This indicator aims to capture...

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services (CCGOIS 4.1)

Patient experience of GP out-of-hours services, measured by scoring the results of one question from the GP Patient Survey. Current version updated: Sep-15 Next version due: TBC

Angling and usage of inland waterways by adults in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey (CHS)

This annual series of publications provides information on adults aged 16 years and over and their participation in angling and usage of inland waterways Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure...

Experience of Sport and Physical Activity in Northern Ireland: Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09 Findings - Sport and Physical Activity Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Warm Front Close Out Report

This report marks the final year of the Warm Front scheme after more than a decade of providing heating and insulation measures to low income and vulnerable customers across England.

Total Cost of out of authority placements

Total Cost of out of authority placements *This indicator has been discontinued