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58 results found

Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Consolidated (all sources) - LDEN

Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for all road, rail, airport and industry noise in Scotland in 2021. The data represents the...

Air Traffic Consultation

Aerodrome safeguarding map relating solely to technical apparatus within an airport. CAA rules dictate that technical sites should undergo a separate consultation exercise from that of aerodrome...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCB07697

Survey name: Hurn Airport Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail between 1989 and...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL00491

Survey name: Middleton St George, Teeside Airport Access Road Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL00396

Survey name: Egglescliffe, Teesside Airport Industrial Development (Prop. Ind. & Comm. Use) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and...

Councillor travel and accommodation expenses

Dataset showing all councillor travel expenses booked via the council's current travel contract (Click Travel). The information shows date of travel, councillor, type of travel and cost. Please...

Green belt - South Ayrshire

Boundaries for designated greenbelts as defined in the South Ayrshire Local Development Plan. The greenbelt areas provide an effective method of: • protecting the operational needs of Prestwick...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lden Round 1

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lden Round 2

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 1

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 250,000...

All Sources (within agglomerations) Noise Contours Lnight Round 2

Data indicating the level of noise according to the strategic noise mapping of consolidated sources (roads, railways, airports and industry) within areas with a population of at least 100,000...

UK 3-hourly Site-Specific Forecast

Site specific forecasts for over 5,000 sites in the UK, including airports, major landmarks and beaches. Forecast weather data Each site has the following weather forecast...

Proposals Map Data

The proposals map for Salford reflects the spatial policies of the adopted development plan. It contains policies from the UDP, the Minerals DPD and the Waste DPD. The datasets included are listed...

Global City Data

A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the [New York City Global City database]( Dataset includes the...

Tsetse (Glossina morsitans morsitans) count data from Eastern Province, Zambia, (2013)

This resource contains tsetse fly count data recorded during two intensive surveys in Mambwe District, Eastern Province, Zambia in 2013. Tsetse sampling was conducted along a 60 kilometre transect...

Digital Chart of the World (DCW) data for the United Kingdom (UK)

This version of The Digital Chart of the World (DCW) is an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) product originally developed for the US Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) using DMA data....

GLA Poll Results

The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page. December 2017 – Rail services Link to PDF of topline (PDF) November 2017 – Workplace...

Local Authority Maintained Trees

This dataset includes the locations and species information for over 880,000 of London's trees. It also includes additional information such as size and age for some of these trees. These are...