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UKCCSRC Call 2 project blog: Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping in the CO2CRC Otway Injection Site, Update, 20.01.15

This is a blog (Update, 20.01.15) on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project, Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping in the CO2CRC Otway Injection Site. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C2-204.

EU Referendum Results

On June 23rd 2016, residents of the United Kingdom were asked whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave. This dataset contains the full results of this...

A systematic review of common measurement methods of global soil protease activity between 1970-2020

The dataset contains global soil protease activities and common methodological parameters (i.e. fluorometric and colorimetric analysis) used to measure soil protease activity between 1970-2020. The...

X-ray Microtomography of Intermittency in Multiphase Flow at Steady State Using a Differential Imaging Method

The images in this dataset are a sample of Bentheimer Sandstone from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 6.00µm. We imaged the steady state flow of brine...

Workforce Profile

This provides a summary of the characteristics of the Council workforce and is based on data from the [Annual Equality Duty...

London Office of Data Analytics

The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform...

Method validation of IC-ICPMS with chlorine removal for phosphite analysis (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Method development for trace-level analyses of phosphite in chloride-rich matrices. Dataset includes linearity data from the ion chromatograph (IC) in stand-alone mode and coupled to the...

FSA and Official Controls: Research with Food Business Operators Survey

A mixed methods research study to understand the views and experiences that FBOs have of the FSA and Official Controls. This dataset includes the data gathered from survey interviews conducted with...


The Calder valley in Calderdale has regularly suffered from flooding, due to the topography of the area. This dataset was initially created to provide data as part of the clean up operation from...

Crown Prosecution Service Case Outcomes by Principal Offence Category Data

A monthly breakdown of criminal case outcomes by principal offence category and CPS Area. The method of providing data changed in September 2012, taking into account the new structure of CPS Areas...

Paper File Series

The data provides a list of paper file series originating from the FSA and the number of each held in archive, as well as their function and current owner. Information on electronic file series...

Electronic File Series 2004-2013

The data provides a list of Food Standards electronic file series from 2004-2013, their function and quantity of records preserved from each. The current FSA file plan can be found in the dataset...

Temperature and humidity data supporting use of an in situ passive heating method, and associated whole tree responses, Cerrado, Brazil, 2020

The data include temperature and relative humidity (RH) values recorded every minute inside and outside whole-tree, passive heating, open top chambers. Respiration and photosynthesis rates were...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...

Public Toilets

The London Assembly Health and Public Services Committee has published a [report into the availability of information about public toilets in...

Ensemble outputs among contemporary ecosystem service models for water supply and aboveground carbon storage in the UK following 10 different methods

This data set contains UK-wide maps of ten different among-model ensemble approaches for two services: above ground Carbon stock and water supply. The data for Carbon comes as fourteen TIF maps for...

National Firearms Licensing Management System

Provides a method for managing the licensing of firearms, shotguns and explosives. It records all individuals, companies and dealers who have applied for, or have been granted, a certificate

NI 134 - The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population

Emergency bed days would be defined as in year bed days of Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs) where the admission method is reported as emergency. Data is on a commissioner basis.

Forest Research Experiment Sites England 2016

This dataset records Forest Research Experiment sites on the National Forest Estate and private land. Objective is to avoid accidental damage to Forest Research experiments and sample plots...

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration (Wykeham 2007)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...