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942 results found

Tonnage Tax

Data captured from the CT600F tonnage tax supplementary pages. Updated: Annually

Social media search stream data

The FSA Communications team tracked online and social data streams for pre-determined search topics, to capture data sets.

Food Standards Delivery Model (FSDM) Registers

This dataset contains registers that enable and standardise the Food Standards Delivery Model and will be used by Local Authorities to capture data in a consistent way.

National Forest Estate Fords England 2016

This dataset shows captured fords within the national forest estate. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

Structure Line

Feature which has a line geometry and represents a linear, freestanding, manmade construction that is not a building and is not wide enough to capture as a structure. Examples include a gate or...

Carbon capture storage defining boundary of policy CCS1 in the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans

This dataset has been created to define potential opportunity for carbon capture and storage (CCS1) as shown in the MMO East Inshore and East Offshore marine plans. The data has been derived from...

Sublittoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing

Littoral biotope mapping and data capture exercise for the Essex Estuaries candidate Marine Special Area of Conservation

Further survey of the Essex Estuaries cSAC: Phase 1 survey on the intertidal mud & sand flats, sublittoral biotope ground-truthing

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) Remote Sensing Data

The Airborne Research & Survey Facility (ARSF, formerly Airborne Remote Sensing Facility) is managed by NERC Scientific Services and Programme Management. It provides the UK environmental...

Path Link

A Path Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of the path network between two points in the network. Path Links will be split for connectivity purposes (for...

National Forest Estate Water Courses England 2016

This dataset shows captured water courses within the national forest estate. These will be natural water courses which will usually be permanent. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown...

National Forest Estate Dam England 2016

This dataset shows captured dams within the national forest estate. These will generally be created and permanent in character and have an associated reservoir. Attribution statement: Contains OS...

Structure Point

Feature which has a point geometry and represents a freestanding manmade construction that is not a building and is less than 4m square but is considered to be of sufficient interest to be...


A Street feature is the definition of the street as defined in the National Street Gazetteer. A Street includes aggregated geometry. Where possible, the geometry of streets captured by a Roads or...

National Forest Estate Open Water England 2016

This dataset shows captured areas of open water within the national forest estate. These will generally be fairly natural and permanent in character and not be created by dams. Attribution...

National Forest Estate Drains England 2016

This dataset shows captured drains within the national forest estate. These will be artificially created water courses which may or may not run all year. Attribution statement: Contains OS data ©...

National Forest Estate Reservoir England 2016

This dataset shows captured reservoirs within the national forest estate. These will generally be created and permanent in character and have associated dams with spillways and draw down...

OS Terrain 5 DTM

Ordnance Survey’s OS Terrain 5 DTM is a dataset representing the physical shape of the real world. The dataset includes 5 metre GRID. The DTM data is captured from Ordnance Survey’s large scale...

National Forest Estate Culverts England 2016

This dataset shows captured culverts within the national forest estate that are known to be under 1.5 meters in diameter. These culverts will predominantly be under forest roads but will also be...