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7,664 results found

Items of expenditure over £25,000

Individual items of British Council spend over £25,000. This information is published in line with UK Central Government commitment's transparency commitment in 2010 and also under the requirments...

Water Framework Directive Classification Item Hierarchy

This spreadsheet defines the relationships between Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification items. Classifications are arranged according to the classification hierarchy. Data are sourced...

MOD Art Collection Database

A database containing the records and audit trail of all MOD Art Collection items. The database is in a database format on a standalone and currently in a spreadsheet format on DII.

Tree Preservation Orders schedule items

The dataset contains polygons for Tree Preservation Order Schedule Items within the London Borough of Barnet. Tree Preservation Orders are made by the local planning authority to protect specific...


On-going programme of digitising the Museum's entire collection or c.80m specimens and making publicly available in the main through (due to be published January 2015) and

Waste electrical and electronic equipment collections

A dataset providing the number and weight of items collected under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive from council locations.  The category definition file provides a...

Search the collections – archival collections

Catalogue records for archives in the V&A’s Archive of Art and Design, Theatre and Performance Collection, Museum of Childhood – and the V&A’s own institutional archive.

Items over £25k 2017-18

Monthly spend over £25k for 2017-18

Collections online

The database is an inventory of the Museum’s collection and aims to record what is known about it. It is primarily designed to support curatorial and research work, and much of the text is...

Waste Collection

The waste collection of each ward in North Somerset from April - June 2014.

Archive photograph collections

The BGS archive photograph collections consists of three sub-collections, The British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) photograph collection, Keyworth Library archive collection...

Bin collection days

This is East Renfrewshire Councils data for bin collection days. It is taken from the address gazetteer and it must be used in conjunction with the Calendar Cycle PDF's attached. Cycle start date...

Waste Collection Contract

Colchester Borough Council runs its waste collection services in-house, so does not have an external waste collection contract in place

Waste Collection Contract

Colchester Borough Council runs its waste collection services in-house, so does not have an external waste collection contract in place

Onshore Borehole Collection.

Collection of drillcore, bulk samples, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore boreholes drilled in the UK by BGS, commercial and public bodies. Developed as part of the BGS...

Waste Collection Lookup

Link to CYC's online application to find out refuse and recycling collections dates by postcode. Also includes the public API and API documentation for retrieving collection data by UPRN.

Collections database

The Tate Collection Here we present the metadata for around 70,000 artworks that Tate owns or jointly owns with the National Galleries of Scotland as part of ARTIST ROOMS. Metadata for around 3,500...

Search the Collections

1.1 million catalogue records and over 360,000 images of objects in the V&A’s collection. The dataset is published online via the Search the Collections website which is refreshed every month...

Household waste collections

Two datasets to be used in conjunction with each other to provide information on waste collection dates for all households across Leeds. Dataset guidance Property routes: This dataset lists the...

Living collections database

Catalogue of the living collections held at Kew