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167 results found

Scottish carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) communications (2010 - 2014)

SCCS presentations, consultations, responses, briefings and communications on CCS and CO2 storage for the period 2010 - 2014

Scottish carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) communications (2015 - 2016)

SCCS presentations, consultations, responses, briefings and communications on CCS and CO2 storage for the period 2015 - 2016

Performance Dashboard Animal health: subscriptions to alerts for exotic disease outbreaks

This dashboard shows information about how the Animal health: subscriptions to alerts for exotic disease outbreaks service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows...

Ash Lichen Alert

These data identify 10x10m, 100x100m and 1000x1000m areas where a Threatened Lichen has been recorded on Ash. The dataset is designed to allow land managers to rapidly identify whether they...

Interspecific communication in African savannah herbivores

This dataset contains information about various aspects of the alarm communication network of African savannah herbivores. Data were collected in April 2015 and between September 2015 and October...

Interspecific communication in African savannah herbivores

This dataset contains information about various aspects of the alarm communication network of African savannah herbivores. Data were collected in April 2015 and between September 2015 and October...

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Information, Communications, Technology Summary Data

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Information, Communications, Technology summary data for Core Defra and selected Defra agencies.

Cartogram and Choropleth communicative effectiveness participant test results 2015

These are the results obtained from an empirical test looking at the communicative effectiveness between two types of two dimensional (2D) map formats (Choropleth maps, and Cartograms) of the...

Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS)

Records all radio and telephone traffic

Pricing Trends for communications services

This report looks at pricing trends for residential phone, broadband and TV services in the UK. It examines the prices of standalone and bundled services and what consumers spend on them. It also...

National Forest Estate Communications England 2016

This dataset shows telephone lines within or near the National Forest Estate. Classified as Overhead or Underground with additional records for some radio or fiber lines. Attribution statement:...

Subscriber numbers for the FSA email and SMS alerts service

A breakdown of subscriber numbers to all FSA subscriptions and how many bulletins were sent.

Bulletins sent out for the FSA email and SMS alerts service

A breakdown of bulletin activity on what was sent and how many, and the number of open rates.

Tick ecology data and risk maps, 2007-2010 - RELU Assessing and communicating animal disease risks for countryside users

This dataset consists of tick sampling and microclimate data from Exmoor, Richmond and New Forest study sites; as well as ARCGIS risk maps that model tick abundance driven by climate surfaces and...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Communications

Spreadsheet which contains an overview of the details of all queries made by MPs. Spreadsheet which contains an overview of all emails received and responses provided to Cafcass web enquiries email.

NI 072 - Achievement of at least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy.

The number of children achieving 78 points across all 13 Early Years Foundation Stage Profile scales with at least 6 points or more in each of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)...

Organogram and staff pay data for British Educational Communications and Technology Agency

A list of most Senior Civil Service posts in BECTA including title, contact details, their line manager, and where disclosed, the name of the officer. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts...

Live Flood Warnings

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA136. Flood Warnings are provided by the constant monitoring of stations and forecasting flooding from rivers or the sea: - Severe Flood Warning:...

Documents relating to the VMD's internal Alert Group which considers significance of pharmacovigilance data received on veterinary medicinal products

Results of proportinal reporting ration analyses and investigations into the signals detected.

Census Customer Services Contacts database

Contacts database with customer details regarding census products and recipients of census news alerts