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531 results found

BIS Prompt Payment data

These files present the percentage of Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) invoices paid within: 5 days 30 days. From 1 April 2015 all central government departments,...

Public Data Group Survey

Results from a Public Data Group survey of user of datasets produced by its members. The Public Data Group consists of 4 agencies - Met Office, HM Land Registry, Companies House and Ordnance Survey...

BIS Private Sector Employment Indicator

The indicator is defined as the number of people employed by the private sector, as a proportion of the population aged 16-64 and those over 64 in the labour market. It provides an indication of...

Adjustments for Measured Term Contracts

The monthly Updating Percentages may be used as a contractual basis for the reimbursement of increased costs on measured term contracts let on all PSA Schedules of Rates or other forms of...

DSIT Commercial Pipeline

A commercial pipeline is a forward look at potential commercial activity for an organisation. The information presented is for information only and reflects the Department for Science, Innovation...

DSIT: spend control data

This dataset is also known as Exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spend or exceptions to spending controls. Files previously released list items of spend that have been allowed via the...

Saved Local Plan Policy C4 - Edge of Centre Area

Dataset showing Edge of Centre Area under Policy C4 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

Innovate & Cultivate Fund adult social care costings

The service costings guidance below may be used to support your Innovate & Cultivate Fund application.  Please note that the costings are updated for each funding round.  

Innovation activities by UK businesses in 2012-2014, 2014-2016 and 2016-2018, by NUTS2 geographic boundaries and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area

BEIS analysis of innovation activities by UK businesses, from UK innovation survey (UKIS) 2015, 2017 and 2019 data, by NUTS2 geographic boundaries and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area. The...

FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

FSA audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain

Building Line

A feature which has a line geometry and represents a wall between two buildings, building internal divisions, or an overhanging building edge.

Road Line

A line feature representing the edges of a traffic calming area in the road network. (This abstract has been temporarily padded to import into GeoNetwork)

Hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data for The Cut, Berkshire (2010-2012)

This data set comprises of hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data of The Cut at Bray Marina (National grid reference SU915786), from May 2010 to February 2012. Parameters measured are total...

Scarborough Borough Council New Local Plan Edge Of Town Regeneration Sites

Extents of Edge Of Town Regeneration Sites in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Created as part of the New Local Plan 2015. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

Open Data Innovation and Outreach Fund Final Report

OurRagingPlanet (ORP) was desiged as a natural disaster education tool. It aims to help secondary school students contextualize experiences of communities around the world when thrust into...

Plant community basal data from a hedgerow cutting experiment in England, 2016

This dataset contains plant community data from a hedgerow experiment investigating the effects of cutting regimes on plant species richness. There were four sites, one in Buckinghamshire, two in...

Government Procurement Card (GPC) Transactions over £500

A list of all GPC transations over £500 made by NHS Institute for Innovation and Imprpvement as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

CDT Casework Database

The CDT casework database records all positive and Sub Cut Off results for Army personnel. Personnel are identified by service No, Rank, name, DOB and unit. The database offers an auditable...

Western Edge ghost nets 2005/06 - Fisheries Science Partnership

One Fisheries Science Partnership survey was carried out in September/October 2005 to examine the amount and mesh size of lost and discarded gillnets in the anglerfish and shark fisheries on and...

National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1995_CD91: LOIS Shelf Edge Study: Hebridean Shelf edge (02/Mar/1995 to 02/Apr/1995)

This marine geophysical and sampling survey took place over two legs (CD91A & CD91B) in March and April 1995 in the Hebridean Shelf edge area aboard the RSS Charles Darwin as part of the LOIS...