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208 results found

NI 043 - Young people within the Youth Justice System receiving a conviction in court who are sentenced to custody.

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

NI 019 - Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

Reoffending of juveniles

These releases present statistics on the reoffending of juveniles released from custody or commencing out-of-court or non-custodial court disposals in England and Wales in the first quarter of a...

Reoffending of juveniles, England and Wales

These releases present statistics on the reoffending of juveniles released from custody or commencing out-of-court or non-custodial court disposals in England and Wales in the first quarter of a...

Land (Register of Surplus Land)

This land dataset includes land parcel boundaries for e-PIMS records marked on the Register. This may be extended to other land records in the future. Currently it provides information on the...

Register of Surplus Land

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** The Register provides information on the availability of surplus land for those government departments and their sponsored bodies which fall under the...

NHS Surplus Land

The Surplus Land collection has existed since 2008 to provide information to the Department of Health, the Homes and Communities Agency and Government Property Unit on sites that can be disposed...

NI 045 - Young offenders engagement in suitable education, employment and training

This indicator measures the proportion of known young offenders who are actively engaged in education, training and employment and the effectiveness of partnership arrangements between Youth...

EU Waste Statistics Regulation (EC 2150/2002) 2004-06

EU Waste Statistics Regulation (EC 2150/2002), including disposal, incineration, management summary, recycling, generation by sector and generation by waste type

NI 046 - Young offenders access to suitable accommodation

This indicator measures the proportion of known young offenders who have access to suitable accommodation Young offenders are defined as all those aged 10-17 on youth justice disposals.


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 17g Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sludge Treatment and Disposal Information

The effects of alcohol and tobacco duties on household disposable income

Analyses the effects of duties on alcohol and tobacco on equivalised household disposable income from 1995/96 to 2009/10. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

The effect of duties on petrol and diesel on household disposable income

This article examines the effect of duties on petrol and diesel on higher and lower income households. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Households Below Average Income Reports (Northern Ireland)

Provides information on potential living standards, as determined by disposable income. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Sentencing Statistics Quartely Brief

Trends on indictable offences are presented for magistrates' courts and the Crown Court for various sub groups based on gender, age and type of disposal. Source agency: Justice Designation:...

Evidence gathered under the Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality of Autumn 2021

Data and written reports detailing the evidence used to inform the Environment Agency and Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality events of October 2021. Data from the Environment...

Homes England Land Hub Sites

Sites available for development or disposal by Homes England.

Youth offending case management data

Case level data from the Youth Offending Teamss in England and Wales. Collected on a quaterly basis this includes a range of information relating to convicted young people, their offence(s),...

NI Water Sludge Treatment and Disposal Information 2020 2021

NI Water Annual Information Return 2020 2021 Table 17g Sewerage Explanatory Factors Sludge Treatment and Disposal Information

Alternative measures of real households disposable income and the saving ratio

This article investigates the impact of removing “imputed” components to construct measures of RHDI and the saving ratio to better represent the economic experience of households.