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NI 172 Percentage of small businesses in an area showing employment growth

Percentage of VAT registered businesses showing year-on-year employment growth. This indicator will include those businesses registered for VAT with less than 50 employment (around 98% of all VAT...


An annual summary of the number of apprentices employed by Stockport Council relative to our overall staffing headcount.

Agency Social Workers

Number and cost of agency social workers employed by Calderdale Council Adult and Children's Services from 2015/16.

Personal Social Services: Staff of Social Services Departments, England

This report contains information on staff employed (directly and indirectly) by adult social services departments in England as at 30 September each year. It will be of interest to central...

Mineral Extraction in Great Britain

The report publishes the findings of the statutory Annual Minerals Raised Inquiry survey which describes the annual sales across Great Britain of an array of minerals identified in the...

Ratio of median house price to median earnings

Earnings data is taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). This is based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs. Information on earnings is obtained in confidence from employers....

Carers Allowance (CA)

Carers Allowance (CA) is a non-contributory benefit for men and women: who look after a severely disabled person for at least 35 hours a week, who are not gainfully employed (i.e. not earning more...

Dental Earnings and Expenses

Dental Earnings and Expenses, provides a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of full-time and part-time self-employed primary care dentists who carried out some NHS/Health Service work in...


The Riparia dataset is an accumulation of surveys from riparian habitats, mostly Exposed Riverine Sediments (ERS), such as shingle and sand. A large proportion of the data comes from Environment...

Species point records from 1982-83 Bullimore Skomer sublittoral monitoring

A simple, cheap, system has been designed and built which facilitates underwater stereophotography with a single Nikonos camera and standard lens. A monitoring station on the north-east coast of...

NHS Workforce - Support to Doctors and Nurses

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce statistics: Support to doctors and nursing staff in England by area and level. This provides details of the numbers of Full...

School Workforce Census

The School Workforce Census is a statutory data collection for all maintained nursery, primary, secondary, middle-deemed primary, middle-deemed secondary, local authority maintained special and...

Public Sector Apprenticeship Target

This data is published in accordance with the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target. Public Bodies employing more than 250 people are required to have regard to the target of 2.3% of employees being...

Broadscale mapping of the reefs of Berwickshire and Northumberland. Lifeforms

A summary account of the reefs of the Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast cSAC and south Northumberland. This work brings together data from numerous acoustic surveys undertaken by SeaMap...

Indices of construction costs - wages and material prices

This dataset contains the indices of UK hourly Construction Wage Costs (quarterly; not seasonally adjusted; 2000 = 100) and UK Construction Material Prices for New Housing, Other New Work, Repair...

Chief Officer Salaries - FY2022/2023

Leicester City Council's Head of Paid Service, Strategic Directors and Divisional Directors are employed on LCC Chief Officer pay scales between SCP points 6 to 22.  This table provides details of...

Chief Officer Salaries - FY2023/2024

Leicester City Council's Head of Paid Service, Strategic Directors and Divisional Directors are employed on LCC Chief Officer pay scales between SCP points 6 to 22.  This table provides details of...

Armed forces population (2001 Census)

All people employed in the armed forces by whether they live in households or communal establishments Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority...

Job Density

Information The number of jobs in an area divided by the resident population aged 16-64 in that area. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged...

Rochdale Borough Council Trade Union Facility Time

The data shows detail of information relating to the number of staff who are employed by the council and also act as Trade Union Representatives. Union representative means an employee who has...