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919 results found

1981 Census - 100% non-private establishments

Historical Data

Type of communal establishment by resident type and sex

Type of Communal Establishment by resident type and sex. Census Area Statistics Table CAS126 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Type of communal establishment by ability to speak Welsh

Type of communal establishment by ability to speak Welsh. Census Area Statistics Table CAS147 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for HMRC

As part of the transparency policy for publication of major projects data the Major Projects Authority (MPA) has published its first Annual Report. It includes a set of combined data of the...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for the Home Office

Publication of Home Office Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) data as part of the Major Projects Authority (MPA) annual report. This includes the MPA RAG rating, departmental narrative, key project...

London Borough of Barnet - Staff establishment headcount & FTE 2017/18

This data shows the staff headcount for the London Borough of Barnet for the 2017/18 financial year. Data is provided on a monthly basis for comparison purposes, and an Excel version including...

Pig Conditions

Pig condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of pig throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month. Pig...

number of education establishments in NI by management type1991-2017

Data are collected annually through the School census exercise. This takes place in early October when each school is required to submit a return detailing information about the numbers of pupils...

Local Development Plan - Established Business and Industry Areas

Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 Established Business And Industry Areas (EBIAs) – These are areas of established business and industrial use. For the purposes of SG LDP BUS 1,...

GLA Code of Statistics

This timetable shows the advance publication dates of statistics published by the GLA Group under voluntary application of the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice. ### List of GLA Group...

National Coach Services (NCSD)

The National Coach Services Database (NCSD) consists of schedule (timetable) data for several mainland UK coach services not contained in the Traveline National Dataset (TNDS). It may therefore be...

NI 157 - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for 'major' 'minor' and 'other' application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157a - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for major application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157c - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for other application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157b - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for minor application types

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

NI 157d - Processing of planning applications as measured against targets for 'major' 'minor' and 'other' application types - County Applications

This indicator measures the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner: major, minor and other. All local planning authorities except county councils should use CLG form PS2...

Annual Planned Activity on Delivery Feed Law Controls

Exercise to establish estimated numbers of animal feed official controls inspections to be delivered in England by Local Authorities.

Hygiene Inspections and Populations at Egg Production Sites in England and Wales

The Animal and Plant Health Agency carry out egg hygiene inspections on behalf of the Food Standards Agency to ensure compliance with hygiene and safety regulations at hen egg producing...

Laundry Garments

A list of laundered garments used by Food Standards Agency staff when performing Official Control duties in approved meat establishments.

Poultry Conditions

Poultry condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of poultry throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.