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239 results found

The impact of mineral dissolution on drainage relative permeability and residual trapping in two carbonate rocks

Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection into deep saline aquifers is governed by a number of physico-chemical processes including mineral dissolution and precipitation, multiphase fluid flow, and capillary...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', standard deviation

Standard deviation of responses for 'Life Satisfaction' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National Statistics has included the four subjective...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Life Satisfaction' by County and Unitary Authority in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey, April 2011 - March 2012. The Office for National...

Subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in range 0-6 out of 10 (corresponding to 'low wellbeing') for 'Life Satisfaction' in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey. The Office for National...

UK moth trends from Rothamsted Insect Survey light-trap network (1968 to 2016)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. The dataset contains national trends for 432 species of moths (mostly macro-moths) estimated using the moth data collected by Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS) from...

Crayfish Control - Crayfish trapping records from six sites in England from 2013 to 2015

Records of crayfish caught in Crayfish traps at six sites across England from October 2013 to November 2015, including counts and site details.

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping in the CO2CRC Otway Injection Site

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a promising means of directly lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of CO2 leakage are contributing to slow...

QICS Paper: Review and implications of relative permeability of CO2/brine systems and residual trapping of CO2

The adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a method of mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions will depend on the ability of initial geological storage projects to demonstrate secure...

High Speed 2 Safeguarding

This is a buffer around the proposed High Speed 2 railway. Properties applying for planning permission must be flagged. Property owners within the zone who would feel adversely affected can serve...

Safe Places

The location of Safe Places throughout Nottingham. The Safe Places scheme is operated by Nottingham Mencap and the buildings identified offer safe places in the community where vulnerable people...

Motion-activated camera trap images of Eurasian Lynx in the Ukrainian Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, 2012-2018

Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images of Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx (L., 1758)) obtained from motion-activated digital trap cameras located within the Chornobyl...

Pollinator data from pan traps located in habitats comprising different floral cover in Buckinghamshire, UK

This dataset contains a list of pollinator species caught within pan traps from habitats comprising different floral cover. Data were collected from the Hillesden estate, Buckinghamshire in June...

Motion-activated camera trap images of wildlife from the Red Forest, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017

Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images obtained from cameras located in the Red Forest, Chornobyl (Ukraine) over a period of a year (September 2016 - September...

Moth trends for Britain and Ireland from the Rothamsted Insect Survey light-trap network (1968 to 2016)

The dataset contains abundance trends for 432 species of moths (mostly macro-moths) estimated using the data collected by Rothamsted Insect Survey (RIS) from their light-trap network between the...

Pan-trap survey data from the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, 2017-2020 version 2

This dataset contains samples and occurrences of insects and flowers collected for the 1 km square survey of the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS). It covers the years 2017 to 2020 (note that...

Pore Scale Observations of Trapped CO2 in Mixed-Wet Carbonate Rock: Applications to Storage in Oil Field

We investigated the physical basis of this weakened trapping using pore scale observations of supercritical CO2 in mixed-wet carbonates. The wetting alteration induced by oil provided CO2-wet...

Bait use of arboreal ants in a lowland tropical rainforest, Maliau Basin Conservation Area, Malaysia, 2015-2018

This dataset measures the abundance of ant species at baited traps set across twelve trees in four experimental plots in lowland, tropical rainforest. Baited traps were set at 5 m vertical...

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...

Rail Safeguarding Lines

Areas where the railway will be shallow, at or above ground level.They may also include land required permanently for stations, ventilation and access shafts. Here all planning applications must be...

Invertebrates identified in pitfall traps within diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

The dataset contains abundances of invertebrates collected from pitfall traps within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located at the University of Reading’s Sonning Farm,...