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Directors and Board Members' expenses - Food Standards Agency

Details of the business expenses of the FSA's Directors, its Chair and Board members. The Government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so that the public can more easily see...

Food Standards Agency - Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay

Information on Non-Consolidated Performance Related Payments made to SCS and Non-SCS Staff.

FSA and Official Controls: Research with Food Business Operators Survey

A mixed methods research study to understand the views and experiences that FBOs have of the FSA and Official Controls. This dataset includes the data gathered from survey interviews conducted with...

Food Standards Agency - Annual Reports and Consolidated Resource Accounts

Food Standards Agency annual report and consolidated resource accounts covering performance and activities.

Food and You biennial consumer survey (2010, 2012, 2014)

The Food and You survey provides information about reported behaviours, attitudes and knowledge relating to food issues. It provides data on people’s reported food purchasing, storage, preparation,...

Food Standards Agency Science and Evidence Expenditure 2013/14

Each year the Food Standards Agency reports on its science and research programmes. In this section you’ll find data on our expenditure on science and evidence. The latest report covers the period...

Food Standards Agency Science and Evidence Expenditure 2012-2013

Each year the Agency's Chief Scientist reports on our science and research programmes. The latest report covers the period April 2012 to March 2013.

Food Standards Agency Board and Directors registered gifts and hospitality

A quarterly-update of the gifts and hospitality received and registered by Food Standards Agency Board members and Directors.

Trade Control & Expert System – Food of Non-Animal Origin

High-risk food of non-animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.

Family food open data

The National Food Survey was the predecessor of the Living Costs and Food Survey, and ran in some form from 1940 to 2000. Survey data from 1974 to 2000 is being provided as Open Data, in the form...

Non-Food Crop Areas

Experimental statistics on UK-grown non-food crops. Primarily focussed on areas, with additional information for some crops on yields, production and values. Source agency: Environment, Food and...

Food Statistics Pocket book

Provides a concise round-up of statistics on food covering the economic, social and environmental aspects of the food we eat. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation:...

Report a food problem service - Completion rate and cost per transaction

A breakdown showing completion rates and cost per transactions for the Report a food problem service.

LEAN Sourcing training data

Details of individuals and departmesnt that have been trained by GPS and its delivery partners in the application of LEAN Sourcing

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

Food Standards Agency Science and Evidence Expenditure 2010/11 and 2011/12

Each year the Food Standards Agency's Chief Scientist reports on our science and research programmes. In this section you’ll find data on our expenditure on science and evidence. The latest report...

Summary of Food/Feed Safety Incident Root Cause Analysis (RCA) information

The information summarises anonymised Root Cause Analysis (RCA) data received by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for corresponding food/feed safety incidents during the 2021/22 Reporting Year. The...

Food Chain Total Factor Productivity

Secondary analysis to calculate productivity of the food chain using already published National Statistcs. Current price estimates of turnover, purchases and labour are deflated using price...

R Script for: Modelling framework to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products

Script for a stochastic modelling framework built in R to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products. It was built using several R packages to simulate probability distribution, compute...

CO2 emissions estimates, by key source

Full Local CO2 emission estimates, sector and fuel details Source: AEA/Department of Energy and Climate Change Publisher: Department of Energy and Climate Change Geographies: Local Authority...