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931 results found

Strategic Cultural Areas

This is a London Plan designation and covers the South Kensington Museum Complex

Strategic Open Space

Areas designated in the Local Plan as Strategic Open Space. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Strategic Employment Areas

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). Designated as Policy IE2, this dataset shows the Strategic Employment areas. The Runnymede Local Plan was...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Green Corridors

Strategic green corridors as identified within the Adopted Local Plan.

Strategic Development Areas

Strategic Development Areas as allocated within the Adopted Local Plan.

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Industrial Land

Strategic Industrial Land in the London Borough of Ealing

Strategic Industrial Locations

Strategic Industrial Locations as identified in the East Staffordshire Borough Councils Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031.

Strategic Cultural Area

showing boundary of lambeth portion of london's strategic cultural area, as defined by the London Plan 2004 (produced with GLA)

Strategic Industrial Areas

This dataset consists of the boundaries of the 3 strategic industrial locations (SILs) within the London Borough of Sutton which include Beddington SIL, Kimpton SIL and Imperial Way SIL. Each...

Cycling - strategic routes

Key named cycling routes radiating out from the centre of Bristol that are mostly marked en route by sign posts with the colour-coded route name shown in a consistent manner, allowing easier...

Administrative Boundaries - Partnership and Strategic Overview Teams

Environment Agency Partnership and Strategic Overview teams understand and manage flood and coastal erosion risk by working flexibly with partners in ways that are good value and benefit...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (Swindon and Wiltshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations. The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 1km square...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (Greater Manchester)

Due to technical issues this dataset is currently unavailable to view or download on ArcGIS Online or the Natural England Open Data Geoportal. Please view or download the Greater Manchester...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (Norfolk & Suffolk)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations. The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 1km square...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

Strategic Intervention

Equality and Diversity Data Report- supporting files

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (South and East Yorkshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations. The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 1km square...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (North and West Yorkshire)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations. The core areas contain a pond density of 2+ ponds and are located within a 1km square...