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National Forest Inventory - 25-year forecast of coniferous volume and increment GB 2012

An NFI statistical analysis report of the 25-year forecast of standing coniferous volume and increment for Great Britain. The spreadsheet provides all the data found in the main report plus...

National Forest Inventory - 50-year forecast of softwood availability GB 2014

An NFI statistical report for GB, examining the potential for softwood timber availability over the period 2013-2061 under a range of harvesting and restocking scenarios. The spreadsheet provides...

The National Archives - Energy Consumption

Please find details of The National Archive's energy consumption at their main building in Kew.

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total (new definition from 2018/19)

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total (new definition from 2018/19)

Capital Gains Tax

Administrative datasets to collect Capital Gains Tax, derived from the Self Assessment main returns.

Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.

Ashfield District Council Main Urban Areas, Adopted Local Plan Review 2002

Extents of Main Urban Areas within Ashfield District as polygons. Ashfield Local Plan Review, Policy ST2. Adopted November 2002. NB the definitive boundaries are the printed Proposals Map

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total - (YTD) (new definition from 2018/19)

Homelessness main duty (decision) - Total - (YTD) (new definition from 2018/19)

Platform Specific Consolidated Allowance List Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that inform decisions about how many of which piece parts should be held onboard each ship and submarine to meet expected demand for them.

National Forest Estate Gates Grids Barriers England 2016

This dataset contains records of built gates, cattle grids and barriers on the National Forest Estate. Most will be on main forest road entrances but some will be internal. Attribution statement:...

River Basin District Catchment

The least detailed level of catchment published by authoritative bodies, defined as a river basin or several river basins, together with associated coastal waters. A river basin district is the...

National Forest Estate Third Party Access England 2016

This dataset contains records of agreed third party access on the National Forest Estate. Most will be on main forest roads to access non forest land or property. Attribution statement: Contains OS...

Biannual Public Attitudes Tracker survey

The FSA conducts a tracking survey with consumers, in order to monitor changes in consumer attitudes towards the Agency and food-related issues. The survey covers four main areas: Awareness of the...

Corporate information

Various pieces of corporate information available via

Prescribed Person

Summarised and anonymised details of disclosures made to the FSA as a Prescribed Person under public interest disclosure legislation. The FSA’s main objective is to protect public health from risks...

Oak chloroplast DNA haplotypes in the UK

The main objective was to provide geneticists, ecologists and foresters with an integrated description of oak genetic resources in the form of synthetic maps based on CpDNA polymorphism and...

National Forest Estate Roads England 2016

Compiled from Forest road network data managed by Forestry Civil Engineering. The data relates to forest road Classification. Forest Roads are categorised on the basis of intended usage (as...

Criminal Justice Statistics

The reports presents the main trends on the latest 12 months of activity in the criminal justice system (CJS) for England and Wales. For each process a brief description of the function is included...

Offender Management Caseload Statistics, England and Wales

The annual release covers the two main areas of offender management - probation and prison - in England and Wales. For those under probation service supervision, the main characteristics of...

Online research catalogue: Asante Gold Regalia in the The British Museum collection

Draws together the The British Museum’s collection of 220 pieces of gold regalia from the West African state of Asante in modern-day Ghana.