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Pay adjustment tables - Tables A

Monthly and Weekly tables used to manually calculate free pay for tax codes with the suffix L, P, T or Y (not NT) and to work out additional pay for tax codes with prefix K.

Key Areas of Change

Key Areas of Change in the City Plan 2040

National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Data

Natural England has developed a national scale model that undertakes an analysis of current datasets to provide an assessment of the relative vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change...

Climate Change Agreements - Sector Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

Land Use Change Statistics (LUCS) 2013-14 Onwards

Statistics relating to changes in land use, including development on previously developed land, land changing to residential use, development on Green Belt, density of development, flood risk...

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas

Percentage change in average weekly earnings in Primary Urban Areas. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics: 60th Anniversary

A one off publication comparing the changes in energy production and use between 1948 and 2008. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Proposed changes to recorded crime classifications and presentation of recorded crime statistics

Home Office response to the consultation on the proposed changes to collection of recorded crime statistics. This summarises the response from users to the consultation and the subsequent advice...

Statement of Fitness for work form (Med 3) change trial data

Anonymised dataset from experimental vignette study with GPs on changes to the med3 (statement of fitness for work) form. 580 GPs from England Scotland and Wales. Questions on GP attitudes to...

Climate Change Agreements - Reduced Rate Certificates (RRC)

The Reduced Rate Certificate (RRC) report lists the name and addresses of all facilities that are covered by a Climate Change Agreement and the period for which they are covered by an agreement. ...

Climate Change Agreements - Target Unit Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)

Natural England has developed a GIS model that provides an assessment of the vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change based on principles of adaptation for biodiversity. It identifies...

Climate change allowances - peak rainfall by management catchment

This dataset contains peak rainfall allowances showing the anticipated changes to peak rainfall by management catchment. It contains information generated by Met Office Hadley Centre The...

Tax Arrangements for Senior public Appointments

Department of Energy & Climate Change data which contributed to the Government Review of the Tax Arrangements of Senior Public Appointments

Feed in Tariff scheme generation data

Feed in Tariff scheme statistics on generation. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Quality Indicators of Electricity and Gas Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of the quality of the regional electricity and gas datasets. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Feed in Tariff scheme capacity data

This publication has now been discontinued. Quarter 1 2012 was the final edition of this publication. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: National Statistics Language:...

High Level Indicators of Energy Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of regional energy use compared with a variety of socio-economic variables Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Central Feed-in Tariff register statistics: monthly data

This release was discontinued in April 2014. Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type. Source agency: Energy and Climate...

Phenological changes in growth in cod as an indicator of climate change

Cod (*Gadus morhua*) stocks in the North Sea have declined to historically low levels of abundance and are considered to be suffering from a reduced ability to reproduce. In this situation there...