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5,272 results found

NSI topsoil analyses (original)

NSI topsoil1 contains a comprehensive record of many of the important elemental abundances in the soils of the UK. This dataset can be used to highlight areas of element abundance, and the links...

Greater Cambridge Partnership Big Conversation: Origin/Destination Data

This dataset includes travel to work Origin/Destination data for Cambridge and the immediate surrounding areas. It is a subset of the data that was collected as part of the Greater Cambridge ‘Big...

Trade Control & Expert System – Food of Non-Animal Origin

High-risk food of non-animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.

Origin of Gelatine in Chicken by Mass Spectrometry (MS)

Inter-laboratory validation of a method to determine the species of origin of gelatine found in chicken by mass spectrometry

Priority Places for England: Original

Priority Places for England There is now a new version of this dataset available, please see: Priority Places for England: 2016. The data was used as a targeting dataset for the English Woodland...

Products of Animal Origin Import Licences for Research Purposes 2015

This dataset covers licences issued by APHA for the import of products of animal origin imported for research purposes. The dataset covers the date the application was received, the country of...

Greater Cambridge ANPR Data: Origin to Destination Reports

This dataset provides Origin and Destination reports derived from the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera traffic survey undertaken across the Cambridge area from 10th to 17th June...

Products of Animal Origin Import Licences for Research Purposes 2013

This dataset covers licences issued by APHA for the import of products of animal origin (apart from Fish and Honey Products up to 16 July 2014) imported for research purposes. The dataset covers...

Products of Animal Origin Import Licences for Research Purposes 2014

This dataset covers licences issued by APHA for the import of products of animal origin (apart from Fish and Honey Products up to 16 July 2014) imported for research purposes. The dataset covers...

NI 177 - Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area

The total number of local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area in a given year. It includes all bus operators serving The general public but excludes school buses, or...

NI 177 - Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area

The total number of local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area in a given year. It includes all bus operators serving The general public but excludes school buses, or...

Comparison of original and final budgets 2009-10

Comparison of outturn information with final plans by department for 2009-10, taken from snapshots 31 and 11 (Main Estimate outturn snapshot April 2010 and Spring Supplementary Estimates plans...

National Archives - Original documents delivered within 60 minutes

The National Archives provides information about the number of records delivered to the public in our reading rooms within 60 minutes. This information is available here.

Export Health Certificates (Live Animals and Animal Product Origins) Issued between Great Britain and European Union by APHA

This dataset contains information on the number of Export Health Certificates issued for exports from GB to the European Union in respect of Live Animals and Products of Animal Origin. The data is...

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Bassurelle Sandbank SCI

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Bassurelle Sandbank SCI (CEND 03/13). ArcGIS point feature class. Video footage was collected...

Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area (excluding P&R) (LI 3 a) - (2009 baseline: 10,832,614)

Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area (excluding P&R) (LI 3 a) - (2009 baseline: 10,832,614) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until...

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI

Origin of video transects, i.e. location of start of video footage, with habitat characterisation from Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI (CEND 03/13). ArcGIS point feature class. Origin of video transects,...

Verifying the declared country of origin of timber using Stable Isotope and Trace Element (SITE) fingerprinting, to prevent illegal trade

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. This project aims to develop techniques and a reference data library that will enable verification of the declared origin of...

Data describing pollen identified from honey samples originating from the UKCEH National Honey Monitoring Scheme for 2019

The following data set describes regional and temporal occurrence of plants foraged upon by managed honey bees (Apis mellifera). This data was derived from DNA meta-barcoding of pollen extracted...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2 Investigation of the origin of shallow gas in Outer Moray Firth open blocks 15/20c and 15/25d

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA2), this report briefly describes the evidence for the origin...