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1,220 results found

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Water put into public water supply: 1990/1 to 2010/11

Water put into public water supply: 1990/1 to 2010/11

Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000: arrests, outcomes and stops & searches: Quarterly Report

This report brings together statistical material relating to the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation, including arrests and their outcomes, as well breakdowns of stops and searches made...

Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000: annual report on arrests, outcomes and stops & searches

This annual report brings together statistical material relating to the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation, including arrests and their outcomes, and stops and searches made under the...

Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

Private Water Supply - all users on supply - South Ayrshire

Scottish Local Authorities are the regulators for the Scottish Legislation pertaining to Private Water Supplies for human consumption. Further information can be found online at DWQR -The Drinking...

The Supply Side of Tourism

This report details various aspects of the supply side of tourism. It includes a national level analysis of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment in the defined set of tourism...

London Industrial Land Supply Study

AECOM, with Avison Young and Maccreanor Lavington undertook a comprehensive review and update of the London industrial land supply baseline for the GLA. It builds on the London Industrial Land...

Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

Section 18 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK financial institution interest obtained under our statutory powers Section 18

Section 17 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK bank and building interest data obtained under our statutory powers Section 17

Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation: quarterly data on outcomes and stops & searches Great Britain

Quarterly data on the number of terrorism arrests, outcomes of terrorist arrests, principal offences for which terrorism suspects charged and time (in days) from arrest to charge or release of...

Compulsary Purchase Orders

Areas of land that have been acquired using compulsory purchase powers within Malvern HIlls District. Data supplied from the Local Land Charges Register.

Compulsary Purchase Orders

Areas of land that have been acquired using compulsory purchase powers within The London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Data supplied from the Local Land Charges Register.

Water Supply Zones 2014

NI Water Supply Zones for the year 2014

Social housing demand and supply

Social housing demand and supply Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region (GOR),...

Employment Land Supply - Scotland

Scottish Planning Policy sets out the Scottish Government's policies in relation to economic development in Scotland. An Employment Land Audit is produced to monitor the supply, take up and status...

Housing Land Supply - Scotland

Local authorities are required to conduct an annual survey of the housing land supply, the Housing Land Audit, to determine completions within the timeframe and update forecasts of the housing land...

Water Resource Management Plan Supply-Demand Balance Forecast Collated Data

Water companies in England have a statutory duty to create, consult and publish a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP) every five years. This dataset is a collation of the WRMP forecast data...

Total Supply Staffing Costs All Barnet Schools

Amounts paid by each Local Education Authority school in Barnet directly on supply cover (as recorded for Consistent Financial Reporting purposes under code E02) and also to third parties in...