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Wolverhampton Minerals Safeguarding Areas

Wolverhampton City Council Minerals Safeguarding Areas

Wicken Fen safeguarding area

Wicken Fen safeguarding area.

Sunderland Mineral Safeguarded Resources

These are the Safeguarded mineral resources in the City of Sunderland (UDP Policy M3)


National Air Traffic Services Consultation Zones in Bovingdon

Minerals Resource Safeguarding Zones

Dataset shows the safeguarding zones for selected minerals resources within the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council


Dataset showing hazardous substances safeguarding areas

Chivenor and Burrington Safeguarding Zones

An area designated in the authority's local plan, restricting development where it wold be detrimental to aircraft safety.

BCKLWN Statutory Safeguarding Zones

The BCKLWN is advised, usually by issue of maps, of the safeguarded area around an aerodrome. BCKLWN then consults with the aerodrome concerned about any Planning Application within this area,...

Wicken Fen safeguarding area

Protection zone for Wicken Fen

Staffordshire Mineral Safeguard Areas

Safeguarded mineral deposits identified under Policy 3 of the Adopted Staffordshire Minerals Local 2015-30.

High Speed 2 Safeguarding

This is a buffer around the proposed High Speed 2 railway. Properties applying for planning permission must be flagged. Property owners within the zone who would feel adversely affected can serve...

LDP Employment Safeguarding Area

Employment Safeguarding Areas designated in the Adopted Powys LDP (2011 - 2026) The Powys Local Development Plan (2011-2026) was adopted by Powys County Council on the 17th of April 2018 and...

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...

Flotta Safeguarded Area

The Flotta Safeguarded Area is the maritime operational area located to the north of Flotta Terminal. It is highly sensitive to development and/or activities that could affect safety of navigation...

Proposed Cycle Routes Safeguarding (Indicative)

Land protected for existing and future cycle routes and infrastructure.

Highway Route Improvement Safeguarding (Indicative)

Indicative area safeguarding for highway improvement routes within Nottingham City.

Local Plan 2004 Safeguarded Land

Areas of designated Safeguarded Land, relevant to Policy GB1 of the Adopted Local Plan 2004, polygons

Statutory Safeguarding Zones - Fleetlands Helipad

Safeguarded area for helipad at Fleetlands. Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 Adopted October 2015. Policy LP15. Within the Borough there are military Safeguarded Areas at Bedenham, Fleetlands,...

Aerodrome safeguard developments above 45m

Locations within Stockport where developments which exceed 45 metres above surface level must conform with aerodrome safeguarding

Aerodrome safeguard developments above 90m

Locations within Stockport where developments which exceed 90 metres above surface level must conform with aerodrome safeguarding