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381 results found

Emergency Contacts Calling Trees and Lists


Population in custody, England and Wales

Presents data on the population in custody with summary figures on the population in prison establishments, police cells, secure children's homes and secure training centres. Source agency:...

Additional sample list for the SoS RARE project (Security of Supply of Rare Earths) (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This dataset is an additional sample list, as an Excel spreadsheet, providing details of the major sample suites collected by Delia Cangelosi during SoS RARE and not added to the master spreadsheet...

Fault seal controls on security of CO2 storage in aquifers - poster presented at 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, Geological Society, London

The data consists of a poster presented at 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, held at Burlington House, London by the Geological Society on 28-29 October, 2015. The poster describes an...

Leprosy database

System Level Security Policy Leprosy database

Access Control

Security Data from access control system

Youth custody data

Monthly statistics on the population in custody of children and young people within secure children's homes, secure training centres (STCs) and young offender institutions (YOIs). This includes...

ONS VML E-Commerce

Covers use of internet, ICT expenditure and investment and ICT security.

Justice Organisations in England and Wales (for health reporting)

Justice Organisations in England and Wales Contains: A standard set of unique identification codes for Justice entities including Prisons, Police Stations, Constabularies, Courts, Young...

Occupational Hygiene visits

Measurements of worker exposure to substances hazardous to health. Contains sensitive/security, commercial and personal data.

CIO-DSAS STRAP Incident Database

Details of all STRAP security incidents (STRAP Team, serial 5, of CIO-DSAS Information Asset Register)

Incident Reporting Log

Incident Reporting Log recording the near misses and incidents covering physical, personnel and information security occurrences.

Personnel records

Personal Data Including Next of Kin, Visa/Work Permit Details, Qualifications, Security Clearance Level, Company Property, Diversity Information


Database used by the Youth Justice Board placement service to record custodial orders (e.g. hearing date, Court name, custodial Order type) and placement results.It is used to record sentence...

Independent Monitoring Board Appointments Files

HR type information relating to appointment of IMB Members, eg Application forms, interview panel forms, security forms, Ministerial Submissions

IT Services - Information

Dataset of IT storage, server, network and security, backup, disaster recovery and business continuity and end user devices.

North Norfolk District Council Section 106

This dataset records planning applications where a financial contribution towards the infrastructure or affordable housing has been secured from the applicant

Vetting Spreadsheet

To list all those who hold a national security vetting clearance and Disclosure Scotland details of all contractors within the organisation

Operations Manual

The Operations Manual is an online set of guidance hosted on the AHVLA intranet and bound by the Government Secure intranet (GSI).

Review of posts with access to sensitive material

A list of all staff with the need for security / developed vetting (DV) clearance. Sensitive information, very important to BIS but no monetary value