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Seven-day Services Indicators: Length of Stay

Statistics about length of stay in hospital for emergency admissions by day of admission. In July 2015 the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech ‘Making healthcare more...

Cambridge City Car Park Usage Data by Length of Stay

The dataset provided below shows the daily car park usage of the Grand Arcade (GA), Park Street Terrace (PST), Grafton East (GRE), Grafton West (GW) and Queen Anne's Terrace (QAT). The data is...

Pendle Parking Information

This dataset details information about parking spaces and our parking account. The parking account includes all income from off street parking and enforcement activities. Expenditure includes...

People who have had an acute stroke who spend 90% or more of their stay on a stroke unit (CCGOIS 3.9)

Of the people who have had an acute stroke, the percentage that spend 90% or more of their hospital inpatient stay on a stroke unit. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

Annual Acute Hospital Activity and NHS Beds information

Following public consultation these publications will be released as a single publication on a yearly basis from September 2011: - Annual summary of outpatient activity - Annual summary of...

Entry clearance visas by purpose and length of stay

UK entry clearance visas issued overseas, by purpose and length (excluding visitor and transit visas)

Estates Information

Estates Information

Deed Information

Deed Information

Financial information

Accounting, procurement and planning information including payroll

Councillor Information

North Yorskshire County Council Councillor location and contact Information.

Tourist information

Location of the tourist information office(s) in Bristol

Corporate information

Various pieces of corporate information available via

Libraries information

Information on Plymouth’s libraries including location, opening times and facilities.

Ward information

Information about the 20 wards that make up the city of Salford.

Procurement Information

For further information please visit [City of York Council website](

Parking Information

Annual information about parking accounts and parking spaces as required by the Local Government Transparency Code 2015


This is a polygon dataset that shows Informal Recreation areas as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Household Information

Data showing household information including: central heating; occupancy rating; average household size and the average number of rooms and bedrooms.

Informal Spaces

Informal Spaces in York For further information about parks, gardens and green spaces - see the [City of York Council website]( *Please note that the data...

Council building information

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this information to populate the Knowledge Panels on the Google search website.  The dataset includes...