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359 results found

Supplier invoices

Wilton Park - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Wilton Park

Supplier invoices

Wilton Park - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Wilton Park

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Supplier invoices

GBCC - Invoices from suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Framework supplier list

All suppliers who are operating under the Technical Training framework

Non Sensitive Suppliers

GBCC - Suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Non Sensitive Suppliers

GBCC - Suppliers of goods and services to Great Britain China Centre

Supplier information dataset

Data held within the procurement management database containing data on suppliers.

Suppliers and payments

List of suppliers from which Technology Strategy Board (TSB) purchase goods and services and values of payments made

GPS 'Active' Suppliers

List of suppliers that are receiving income via work carried under GPS Frameworks - i.e. those that are winning business via further competitions

Payments to Suppliers

These datasets contain details of individual payments to suppliers, with a value over £250 (inc. VAT), with new information being added on a monthly basis.

Payments to Suppliers

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 (excluding benefit payments and employee pay).  This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency Code.

Payments to suppliers

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £250 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

ONS Prompt Payment to Suppliers

The Office for National Statistics is required meet a target of 80% of supplier invoices being paid within five days of receipt. The aim of this policy is to speed up cash flow from HM Government...

Payment to suppliers 2011/2012

Payment to suppliers 2011/2012

Payment to suppliers 2012/2013

Payment to suppliers 2012/2013

Payment to suppliers 2013/2014

Payment to suppliers 2013/2014

Payments to Suppliers 2015-16

Payments to suppliers over £500

Payment to suppliers 2014/2015

Payment to suppliers 2014/2015

All Payments to Suppliers

Payments to suppliers made by City of York Council from April 2011 onwards. Resources are split according to financial years. __Date:__ The date shown is the date the transaction was input to...