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918 results found

CCTV Cameras

This dataset shows the locations of Safer Runnymede CCTV cameras in the borough. CCTV cameras are located in every town in Runnymede, providing community safety for residents and visitors 24 hours...

Residue Monitoring & Surveillance

Residue Monitoring & Surveillance

Emergency Department Surveillance

Emergency Department Surveillance

CCTV Cameras

CCTV Camera Locations within Mansfield District as points

CCTV cameras

The location details of all CCTV cameras.

Council CCTV cameras

CCTV Camera point locations. Attributes include reference numbers and information on camera make, monitoring, ownership and maintainence responsibilities. Includes Metrobus cctv.

CCTV camera locations

This dataset incorporates CCTV cameras installed by London Borough of Barnet in conjunction with the DSSL Group for the purposes of Community Safety.   PLEASE NOTE: A dataset of the locations of...

CCTV Cameras

This provides details of CCTV cameras sited within Leicester City and other areas.

Health Surveillance Database

Database which includes details of health surveillance necessary for individuals to undertake the duties of their role (such as blood test or vaccinations).

Real-time Syndromic Surveillance

Real-time Syndromic Surveillance

Mycobnet - Mycobacterial Surveillance Network

NEWCASTLE: TB surveillance system

Speed Camera Locations

Speed Camera Locations

CCTV Cameras

Location of CCTV cameras that Barrow Borough Council have a responsibility for. Location recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

TB-ETS (Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance)

Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance

Environmental public health surveillance system

Environmental public health surveillance

CCTV cameras

This Data shows geographic information including longitude and latitude reference points. This geographic data locates all Plymouth City Council's CCTV cameras which are both owned and maintained...

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

UK Severe Influenza Surveillance System

UK Severe Influenza Surveillance System

NHS Direct Syndromic Surveillance System

NHS Direct Syndromic Surveillance System

Traffic Web Cameras

Spatial dataset of Durham County Council managed traffic web camera locations. Please see for more information.