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69 results found

Calderdale Tourism - Business turnover derived from tourism and related expenditure

Data showing business turnover which has derived from Tourism in Calderdale. The PDF report attached explains the impact of Tourism on the local area. For more information on tourism in...

Tourism Trips, Borough

London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands). The ‘top-down’ nature of the [Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI)...


tourism_leisure_uses Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of designated areas for Tourism/Leisure Use within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed...

Tourism Employment Summaries

This release is part of a series of short articles about various aspects of employment in tourism characteristic industries in the UK. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...


The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.


The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.


The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.

GB Tourism Survey

Annual official statistic measuring the volume and value of domestic overnight tourism in Britain. Jointly sponsored by Visit England, Visit Scotland and Visit Wales. Publication schedule for...

The Supply Side of Tourism

This report details various aspects of the supply side of tourism. It includes a national level analysis of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment in the defined set of tourism...

Mixed Employment Recreation & Tourism

Sites allocated for use for mixed employment, recreation & tourism uses or for the intensification of these.

Allerdale Policy Tourism

Allerdale Planning Policy on Tourism as defined in the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as individual sites...

Calderdale Tourism - Sector breakdown of trip expenditure

Data showing a breakdown of the amount spent on trips to Calderdale and what this was spent on . The attached PDF report shows the tourism impact on Calderdale. For more information on tourism in...

London Tourism Forecasts

GLA Economics is providing on an occasional basis medium-term forecasts of tourism visitor nights in London for domestic and international tourists. The forecasts are on a quarterly basis to 2026...

Tourism Business Monitor

5 times yearly survey of accommodation and attractions businesses providing indication of business performance, sentiment and attitudes to "hot topic" areas. Publication schedule for results is at...

Mid Ulster Council Tourism Locations

The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.

Mid Ulster Council Tourism Locations

The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.

Mid Ulster Council Tourism Locations

The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.

Mid Ulster Council Tourism Locations

The locations of tourism points of interest within the Mid Ulster Council District.

DSA 2013 Recreation and Tourism

Areas of land designated Recreation and Tourism, Policies RT19 and DM11 of Development Site Allocations 2013, polygons

Tourism Spend Estimates

Local Authority level tourist spend estimates (£ millions). Indicitive borough level day visitor estimates for 2007 were derived from the LDA’s own experimental London level day visitor estimates....