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463 results found

Pre-Work Programme Employment Support Measures

From May 2012 this publication will be replaced by 2 new publications under the titles ‘Get Britain Working Measures’ and ‘Mandatory Programmes’. This publication ended in November 2016....

Insolvency Practitioner Directory

A publicly searchable database of persons authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner in Great Britain

Notes Corporate Directory

ONS Corporate Directory

ESFA: course directory

The course directory contains information on courses offered by learning providers who are contracted with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The directory contains information from...

Transparency Code

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Open Data - Spatial Data Sets

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City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

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Devon County Council Community Directory

The Directory: a) aims to provide an information directory for use by the public and DCC staff working on behalf of the public, on individuals and organisations who provide local services to...

OSNI Open Data 50k Admin Boundaries - Parliamentary Constituencies 2008

OSNI 50k Parliamentary Constituencies 2008. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the Open Government Data Licence.

OSNI Open Data 50k Admin Boundaries - Parliamentary Constituencies 2008

OSNI 50k Parliamentary Constituencies 2008. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the Open Government Data Licence.

OSNI Open Data 50k Admin Boundaries - Parliamentary Constituencies 2008

OSNI 50k Parliamentary Constituencies 2008. Published here for OpenData. By download or use of this dataset you agree to abide by the LPS Open Government Data Licence.

Points of Interest

Points of Interest® is the most comprehensive, location-based directory of all public and privately-owned businesses, education and leisure services in Britain. Points of Interest contains over...

International Passenger Survey - CAA

Admin sources - To use in producing weighted data

April 2023 spend

OS Names API

With OS Names API, you’ll have access to a straightforward, rapid lookup service: drilling down into the details we hold in our OS Open Names dataset. The API uses the OS Open Names dataset, a...


Spend over 25000 May 2023

ONS UPRN Directory (May 2022)

This file contains the ONS UPRN Directory (ONSUD) for Great Britain as at May 2022. The ONSUD relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase® Epoch 92 to a...

ONS UPRN Directory (April 2018)

This file contains the ONS UPRN Directory (ONSUD) for Great Britain as at April 2018. The ONSUD relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase® Epoch 56 to...

ONS Address Directory (January 2017)

This file contains the ONS Address Directory (ONSAD) for Great Britain as at January 2017. The ONSAD relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase® Epoch...

ONS UPRN Directory (May 2020)

This file contains the ONS UPRN Directory (ONSUD) for Great Britain as at May 2020. The ONSUD relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase® Epoch 75 to a...