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2,855 results found

Woodland Creation Headline Performance Indicator England Q4 2016/2017

This data is an input to the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Hectares of woodland created (gross)'. This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan...

Woodland Creation Headline Performance Indicator England Q3 2013/2014

This data is an input to the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Hectares of woodland created (gross)'. This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan...

Woodland Creation Headline Performance Indicator England Q2 2012/2013

This data is an input to the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Hectares of woodland created (gross)'. This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan...

Connecting Link

The Road and Path Networks are not topologically structured together. Connecting Links have been introduced to enable a connection between the Road Network and the Path Network without splitting...

Woodland Creation Headline Performance Indicator England Baseline 31 March 2011

This data is an input to the Forestry Commissions Headline Performance Indicator: 'Hectares of woodland created (gross)'. This Indicator forms part of the Forestry Commissions Corporate Plan...

Road Link

A Road Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of a road network between two points in the network. Road Links can represent single carriageways, dual...

Electronic purchasing card solution use - HM Revenue & Customs

HMRC publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS) on a monthly basis. The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC). Note: In...

Woodland Grant Scheme 2 England

Description: The Woodland Grant Scheme (WGS) provides incentives for people to create and manage woodlands on sites all over Great Britain. The Forestry Commission pays grants for establishing and...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Small Area Data

Detailed annual lower level geographical estimates of families and their children in receipt of Child & Working Tax Credits as at 31 August of the reference year; geographical location at...


A dataset containing all USRNs from OS MasterMap Highways Network with a simplified line geometry. A Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) is a unique and persistent identifier for every street,...

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland

Seabed stills reference collection from North East Scotland (Scottish MPA). The objective of the imagery analysis contract was to undertake a taxonomic analysis of seabed imagery collected with...

Taxon Reference Collection from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons)

Taxon Reference Collection from SW Approaches Reef (Canyons) (CE0705. The aims of the CE0705 ICES cruise were to acquire high resolution multibeam, sub-bottom profiler and camera data in the SW...

Seabed video reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI

Seabed video reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out at Bassurelle Sandbank SCI on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel to collect additional...

Grab species reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI

Grab species reference collection from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out at Bassurelle Sandbank SCI on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel to collect additional...

Video reference collection from Solan Bank Area of Search

Video reference collection from Solan Bank Area of Search (CEND 11/08). This survey, carried out on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel, used acoustic data and groundtruthing to identify and...


A road feature is a link set which represents a collection of road link features that share the same name (for example, Bilston Road) or classification number (for example, A41), used primarily by...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

Data Sharing Register

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team log of Data Sharing Agreements. The log is used to record, track and report on the various data sharing...

Path Link

A Path Link is a linear spatial object that defines the geometry and connectivity of the path network between two points in the network. Path Links will be split for connectivity purposes (for...

Seabed video reference collection from North East Scotland SMPA

Seabed video reference collection from North East Scotland (Scottish MPA). The objective of the imagery analysis contract was to undertake a taxonomic analysis of seabed imagery collected with...